Example sentences of "[coord] set " in BNC.

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1 There will be no attempt to define exactly what art criticism is , or to set out a theory of criticism , beyond the suggestions of some differences in writings on art which have already been made .
2 Its use as a means of defining order or to set against those outside creates a subcultural style , which is reinforced continually .
3 But normally either the land was eventually to be divided equally between the children or , more typically where land was scarcer , the land itself would go to a single son and provision be made for the other children in cash — very often advanced earlier in life , on marriage or to set up in a trade .
4 Would a trust , for example to construct a public building or to set up a private monument , actually be enforced as such ?
5 The magistrate decided whether to try a case summarily or to set in motion the process of committing it to a superior court .
6 But if it were pigeon droppings then it would be a moot point as to whether merely to murmur condolences and hurry on or to set to work with a clean handkerchief .
7 Mrs Peysner hopes that the money will be used instead to improve day facilities for this group at other homes or to set up a mobile day unit .
8 The positive reactions are attempts to re-create the trauma , to re-experience it , or to set up a relationship analogous to an earlier one .
9 She knew she did not want to be an employee or to set up on her own and accepted a position as Recorder on the South-East Circuit while looking at the appointments pages in the newspapers .
10 The radical change in Soviet policy was epitomised when Western investors were warmly invited to buy into state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) or to set up new ventures , all with the ability freely to repatriate their profits .
11 Do you prefer to sandwich your exercise in along with your daily activities or to set aside time exclusively for exercise ?
12 The point of doing all this pre-planning is so that when you come to align columns across the page or to set text next to pictures everything snaps together neatly .
13 For further information on the Blues Festival Programme or to set up interviews with musicians performing at the Blues Festival please contact :
14 Peter Gibson J said , at p638 : An employee with experience in a particular industry who is intending to leave , whether to join a competitor as an employee or to set up in competition on his own account , commits no breach of contract in doing so unless either there is a specific term of his contract to that effect which does not fall foul of the doctrine against restraint of trade or he is intending to use the confidential information of his employer otherwise and for the benefit of his employer .
15 Now it 's one thing to say well , you know , perhaps these are women who take more exception than other women would do , but there comes a point where you have to accept , I think , that there 's going to be a shift of perspective , that what women have customarily put up with is no longer what they wish to put up and that I think we ought to be , as it were , acknowledged to have the right or the scope to say we want things to change , and to define or to set out in a process of defining what should be sexual appropriate sexual behaviour in future .
16 It is only when thus defined that Parliament ‘ has , under the English constitution , the right to make or unmake any law whatsoever ; and , further , that no person or body is recognised … as having the right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament ’ .
17 They will be a continual disappointment as they fail to leaf , flower or set seed , become pest-ridden , and need constant attention .
18 The principle of Parliamentary sovereignty means neither more nor less than this , namely , that Parliament thus defined has , under the English constitution , the right to make or unmake any law whatever ; and , further , that no person or body is recognised by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament .
19 In contrast to the Western system , there was no power in the Supreme Court to question or set aside legislation passed or decreed by the government .
20 As I said you ca n't envisage or set up emergency procedures for anything as as drastic as what happened there that night .
21 Parliamentary sovereignty , he wrote , meant that Parliament had " the right to make or unmake any law whatever ; and , further , that no person or body is recognized by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament . "
22 However , the court can also still remit or set aside an arbitration award , under s22 and s23 of the Arbitration Act 1950 , and this continues to be a relatively frequently exercised right .
23 Your council can also choose to extend these periods of time or set new classes of property other than the one laid down by the Government .
24 Since Legnani first danced the famous thirty-two fouettës in Swan Lake , it sometimes seems that choreographers lacking ideas for a spectacular finish to a solo , send the dancer spinning faster and faster round the stage , or set them centre stage and make them turn with increasingly difficult poses .
25 He goes on : ‘ Since these costs … would have to be paid by a grant … and since a grant of above £10 million requires affirmative resolution [ and thus debate ] in the House , it seems there are two choices : to cap the BAe grant at £9.5 million ; or set the ceiling at £13.5 million and for you to accept the greater risk of challenge and thus repayment being required . ’
26 She may fall ill , or have an accident while you were out , or set the house on fire and herself , so that you would not want to leave her even to go shopping .
27 The Old Testament word tomeh , usually translated as ‘ unclean ’ , in fact means separate , or set apart .
28 For all the days before her visit to the mikva she is nidda , or set apart , and she and her husband must not even touch .
29 Depending on the obstructions you find , you could site the building exactly alongside the house , bring it forward of the building line ( if the planners will allow this — see later ) , or set it back into the garden .
30 Later , the results are carefully compared with the intentions in order to identify remedial action or set new targets .
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