Example sentences of "[coord] put " in BNC.

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1 If anything happened to the computer and it proved impossible to get at the data inside , you could go to your back-up diskettes and simply copy the data back into the computer when it had been repaired , or replaced , or put it onto another computer .
2 ‘ The purpose of man , ’ it declared , ‘ is to praise God , and this , man 's proper work , remains when all else is past or put aside . ’
3 ‘ Would n't it buy something for the girls here or put someone through school even if you did n't want to take it for yourself ?
4 If the film presented an image of typically English virtues — independence of spirit , toughness , sympathy with the underdog — or put the case for the ideals of freedom and parliamentary democracy , then the filmmakers could have the stock they needed , and the necessary artists would be released from the ranks .
5 Managers were encouraged by corporate head office to eradicate such excesses at the work-outs , not to refer them to committees or put them through the proper channels .
6 I think a lot of us want to be noticed — I know I do — and when we get dressed up , or put make-up on , it is n't to hide behind the make-up , like some people think , it 's to be noticed , to say : Look at me !
7 Animals that look similar are classified together , and not only that , they are also closely related in an evolutionary sense ( or put another way , they share a common ancestor ) .
8 you lose it or put it beneath glass ,
9 And why was the medical possibility that the women who attended Bristol had more serious disease not properly investigated or put forward for media consumption ?
10 Simply take something off or put something on , and your companion will never know the real reason you stopped .
11 Do you think I should put it on deposit at the Nat West ; or put it into Savings Certificates ; or Unit Trusts ; or just spend it ?
12 Or put another way , the economic growth objectives are planned so as to be practicable without recourse to that part of oil and gas production which has been designated a foreign currency earner .
13 They are most frequent in the morning and at night ; in the bedroom , at the dinner table ; with me ; when I try to dress her , get her to eat up her meal , or put away her toys .
14 Should a higher form of awareness decide to tip the balance here or there ( perhaps by embryo implantation ) or put it on ice ( as in frozen embryos ) so that knowledge can be gained which will enable future embryos to prosper healthily , then it will not be acting contrary to what Nature itself does by trial and error and evolution .
15 On each campus , there is a designated member of Student Services staff who can assist with any queries or put the overseas student in touch with an appropriate source of help .
16 On each campus , there is a designated member of Student Services staff who can assist with any queries or put the overseas student in touch with an appropriate source of help .
17 Some furnishings , pot-holders and ornaments have a very strong-smelling varnish coating , particularly cheap bamboo products with a glossy surface If you have any items of this sort , banish them or put them in an airtight container .
18 Such individuals counselling is not very suitable for covering in this feature because advice which may apply to one case of aggression may not apply to another … and so could even make matters worse , or put owners at risk .
19 One 's called the Austin Special , and it 's really cool-looking with three hotted-up Danelectro-style lipstick tube pickups that you can either run as single-coils for that crinkly kind of clarity , or put them together for a humbucking sound .
20 In the vital chapter ‘ The Shadow of the Past ’ Gandalf says a great deal about it , but his information boils down to three basic data : ( 1 ) the Ring is immensely powerful , in right or wrong hands ; ( 2 ) it is dangerous and ultimately fatal to all its possessors — in a sense there are no right hands ; ( 3 ) it can not simply be left unused or put aside , but must be destroyed , something which can happen only in the place of its origin , Orodruin , Mount Doom .
21 ‘ Appropriates ’ is generally proved by a witness stating that the accused picked the property up or put it in a shopping bag or a pocket .
22 You wo n't be allowed to erect a headstone , have a name-plate or put flowers on a common grave , so is it any wonder that the whole thing smacks of the dreaded ‘ pauper 's burial ’ and that , however poor , people will make monumental sacrifices to raise the money somehow for the ‘ something better ’ that they feel they should provide ?
23 • The UNIPOT needs the minimum of cleaning , to keep its good looks simply wash in hot soapy water or put it in the dishwasher .
24 Secondly , the client and worker identify the main problem together , or put the problems in priority order , deciding together where to start .
25 When I wake up I just pull it back or put it on top of my head in a top knot .
26 You can fill it to overflowing with dried or gilded flowers and leaves or put some damp oasis inside the cone and use fresh holly , ivy or mistletoe .
27 ‘ She said I 'd have to pay the full amount or put it back in the freezer , ’ said Mr Parker , of York .
28 Dispose of dirty nappies by flushing them down the toilet , or put them in a sealed plastic bag .
29 Or put another way , for every £1 00 of your income that counts for income tax purposes up to £2,000 , you have to pay £20 to the Exchequer — and are allowed to keep the remaining £80 .
30 You have to write and and write more details or put more pressure on and have more people write .
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