Example sentences of "[coord] not " in BNC.

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1 All simple & partly lovely women attract me , & not merely attract me , but I want to be something to them .
2 Only , by the way , I see a large number of Scotts here , uniform with yours & mine , at only 1/ each , yet quite clean & good , & not incomplete like those in bookseller 's row ; of which , would you care for me to buy one or two — Ivanhoe , Nigel & c ?
3 It is all obscure , & not purposely either .
4 This was the skinhead outercoat ( along with the sheepskins ) & not the Crombie .
5 Floribundas Pruning for Floribundas follows the same general principles as for H.T.s , except that it should & not so hard — the first year cut-back should be T-2 inches ( 2.5–5cm ) longer , leaving some 4–6 inches ( 10–15cm ) of stem from the base and still aiming for outward-pointing buds to develop the open cup shape .
6 For Hilton , as for the Cloud-author , the road to this Jerusalem is " ronne by desires & not by pases of feet " .
7 In fact I thought that most of the Scotland team was made up of Leeds player in the mid-70 's … infact that is why I support Scotland & not England ( actually because of Lorimer ) at fooball .
8 But incredulous , or not , the events happened ( millions of television viewers worldwide watched the Chilean concert ) and as such they typify the massive changes that Amnesty has undergone in its 30-year history .
9 While over 2,300 people wait on death rows countrywide to see if they will die or not , we can only hope that the US comes to its senses soon .
10 From a critic 's point of view , a label , whether ending in ‘ ism ’ or not , is convenient .
11 There she once sat in some sort of castle , or not , reading , for sure , the literature of Romanticism , and growing up to resemble — in the opinion of the writer 's aunt , the historian C. B. A. Behrens — a character out of Lermontov .
12 Shakespeare 's play has an arranged duel which miscarries , and which takes off a divided , gambling man who has wondered whether or not it might be better to end his life .
13 Whether it is or not , the poem can be called distinctive — distinctive both of Larkin and of Amis .
14 If you were to tell me that there are people , like the man upstairs to whom you now threaten to turn yourself in , who actually do have a strong sense of themselves , I would have to tell you that they are only impersonating people with a strong sense of themselves — to which you could correctly reply that since there is no way of proving whether I 'm right or not , this is a circular argument from which there is no escape .
15 That Bellow , this participant in Roth 's inner life , can also be said to be out there in the world as his friend , and perhaps his rival , is a fact which does not help one to decide whether or not to trust the reports of literary duality — what comes in has to have been out — but it is very much in the tradition .
16 Whether or not she has talked to God , she has certainly been reviewing for him .
17 And on the facing page he breathes some more of Shakespeare 's words : ‘ To return to Gavin 's or not .
18 Whether or not it can be seen as Kelman 's self-portrait , it is the portrait of an artist .
19 It is true that some local authorities will not say whether you are eligible or not until a place has been put on offer to you , but it 's still very much worth your while to find out all you can from your local education authority .
20 You will now perhaps be wondering whether or not you should be coached for your audition .
21 After that came my training at LAMDA and the realisation that make-believe or not , acting was hard work .
22 It tends to have an active or passive belief , whether articulated or not , that it is either superior to , or rightfully distinct from , other similar groups .
23 Whether or not he was equally aware of a similar alienation process in asserting the catholic nature of the nation is perhaps more open to debate .
24 But Roman catholic adoption agencies , the source for the majority of children awaiting adoption , are not obliged to assign baptized Roman catholic children to such couples , and whether they do or not is not a matter of public knowledge .
25 Of course , Irish clergy and laity are sometimes at the forefront of political religious change in other countries , and a lively Irish intellectuals ’ religion will continue : but whether or not it will eventually affect the structure of power is another matter .
26 In addition , whether or not one had attended a catholic school may have had little effect on sexual values or mass attendance but it did increase catholic activism and racial tolerance ( Greeley , McCready , and McCourt 1976 ) .
27 We will see , wrote Harsnet , whether he parts with it or not , whether his greed gets the better of his sentimentality .
28 He works till lunch , then wanders into the kitchen and has long argument with Tony , or perhaps a discussion about the best way to cook trout or whether or not to sack the gardener .
29 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
30 Let it make its way or not , as fate determines .
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