Example sentences of "[coord] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 In setting up a file with a number of dummy records , these dummies will be filled with a character such as & or • that will be tested for during serial processing .
2 & presented with a baby sister & & me with a second grand-daughter on 11 th Sept. … … 8lbs. 13ozs .
3 too as you know ‘ full-circled ’ with her marriage to divorce ! & & had little in Sept. who is a delightful baby .
4 ‘ Victoria ’ is a reliable variety which is large , self-fertile and can be enjoyed either fresh or or cooked
5 This response is not directly equated with the OR or any component of it ; rather it is an hypothetical construct evidenced in behaviour by its effect on the rate of conditioning — the associability of a stimulus is determined by the magnitude of the attentional response it evokes .
6 So you must n't , not only must n't you worry you 've got to be perfectly made up and have a super figure you know while you 're making tanks or or whatever .
7 Right so can I have my opinion or or can I speak with these other people 's opinion
8 Either we can influence and help that to be to be good or or you know if that 's a failure then see whether they can help us to produce one for the town .
9 They range I mean er the the er the er Prussian Austro-Prussian war of eighteen sixty six is is referred to as what the six weeks war and and erm the five , five weeks of that or or or whatever were were involved in peace negotiations .
10 They range I mean er the the er the er Prussian Austro-Prussian war of eighteen sixty six is is referred to as what the six weeks war and and erm the five , five weeks of that or or or whatever were were involved in peace negotiations .
11 ( b ) Inclusive Or or logical disjunction ( sometimes referred to simply as Or ) .
12 ( c ) Exclusive Or or non-equivalence .
13 just by way of comparison for rough guidance that there is a regulation or or something like that which says , if I remember rightly , that erm er payments must not be made for either services or goods not supplied above a figure of two thousand pounds without er being taken to committee first .
14 But with , you know , people with their meal or or
15 Or or
16 One A and one B so so yo yo or or would you have all of yours completing one A before they started on one B ?
17 Or or or language , not English
18 Or or or language , not English
19 or or that we want to leave some of these out .
20 And they 're all genuinely things apology or or whatever reason , there are things that I genuinely do n't know .
21 it used to be a rom of calcite or or a prism of calcite which will do the job .
22 Or or jumping up the council 's face !
23 Erm I do n't think the on paragraph twenty three and consequently the suggestion that that kind of permission really are realistic at all , erm I think this government is totally obsessed with owner occupation at the expense of all kinds of housing , whether it 's permanent , rented or or anything else !
24 But as I say what do you feel as as students do you feel that you have the facilities here that could be improved on or or
25 always spread a and I I was listening to or or during a programme and it said er , we 're always told how firms are going down the shoot !
26 Erm , because I was rather sad , I I tried to instore the Rotary Club in the district in taking part , or or encouraging their
27 Shall I shall I look at this or or
28 I mean we can always go back to places like the linguistics department or or any department on on campus , We can always go back to and get more recordings later .
29 I think I could probably send a return on Tuesday erm but I 'd rather wait because if I can send stuff properly done rather than you know done to the latest or or the the pre-latest system then I will .
30 I do n't suppose any of those thirty six are dragged along reluctantly or or or are you ?
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