Example sentences of "[adv] only " in BNC.

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1 A better solution perhaps is to leave the pad out of the filter altogether only using it when necessary .
2 Amongst those who did give , education , health and general welfare came out as top recipients , but the top 200 corporate donors altogether only gave 150 million for all purposes — a trivial sum in comparison with any social spending total : 25 billion , say , on the NHS or education ( see Figure 9.1 ) .
3 Arguably only if the Library Association failed to take disciplinary action against its members for not putting professional loyalty and practice above employers ' decisions would the Code be discredited — as a paper tiger .
4 Rapid progress across country is largely a matter of finding and using effectively only the very strongest of thermals .
5 Whereas nuclear weaponry had effectively only been in the hands of the U.S.A. , the development of such weapons by other nations had been increasing , so at a meeting , in December 1962 , at Nassau , Prime minister Harold Macmillan and President Kennedy , hammered out an agreement whereby Britain abandoned its plans for ‘ Skybolt ’ in return for the U.S.A. ‘ Polaris ’ missile for use by British nuclear submarines .
6 Such gains were effectively only taxed as and when a UK resident enjoyed a benefit ; hence arose the opportunity for a gross roll-up of gains , followed by the eventual distribution of all gains to a beneficiary on a tax holiday .
7 This loading process is very fast ( a few seconds for the same 70,000 words ) because there is effectively only one piece of data to be read , instead of 70,000 .
8 He said the planned job cuts did not affect RMT members and the pay cuts were effectively only a withdrawal of overtime .
9 If now we postmultiply the ( 3 × 2 ) submatrix of A by I , we can add the last result to it to recover A as the matrix product unc Finally , a matrix of rank 1 can be expressed as the product of a column and a row in that order — for such a matrix has effectively only one independent column , all the other columns being proportional to it ; similarly for the rows .
10 Some of the options for the future of British Rail outlined in the 1983 Serpell Report would , if adopted , leave the network effectively only inter-main-cities , and would make the decline of rural railways almost complete .
11 During the 1960s , there were effectively only four companies in the British record industry , led by EMI and Decca .
12 A centralized planning system in which the centre communicates its requirements directly to the producing units can operate effectively only in brief moments of national emergency ( with its associated national consensus on priorities ) .
13 Such large programmes can be carried out most effectively only where standards are agreed , and it is recommended that development work should proceed with some input from similar institutions , so that we are all working along similar lines .
14 Like any CD-ROM system , it effectively only does one thing at a time .
15 The dominant mode saturates effectively only those atoms whose ( Doppler-shifted ) resonance frequency lies within about I " of the mode frequency : other atoms are unsaturated , so that the gain actually increases with frequency detuning from the dominant mode : the excited mode burns a hole in the gain spectrum .
16 Although this is a legal thing to do in Texas , an uproar over the shameless display of influence-peddling prompted most of the recipients to return the money ( mostly only after they had cashed the cheques ) .
17 The Salon , which had mostly only exhibited Berlin and German painters , put on exhibitions with an international character in 1891 and 1892 .
18 I have now four inches of tightly packed paper — keeping mostly only the replies , to save space , as the ‘ dole office ’ nowadays frequently ask people to take in evidence of job search .
19 It is a word which is mostly only used when we discuss Hitler 's treatment of the Jews or when we consider Cambodia .
20 I produced sketches and a clay model for ideas , but these were eventually only used for reference when working on the sculpture .
21 Eventually only Thomson remained obdurate .
22 As more and more of the presented word is heard , the size of this cohort will shrink , until eventually only one word detector remains activated .
23 Everything had been going swimmingly only a moment before .
24 Just because a system is multimedia does n't mean one must , by force of definition , use all of the technologies ; rather only those that apply best to the application , ’ said Pascale Buttaud , one of the system designers .
25 Most only need a small angle of bank , as the rudders on gliders are not very powerful .
26 Of the eastern deputies who pipe up in parliament , some ( like the eloquent former communist Gregor Gysi ) are heard out with wrath , most only with amused disdain .
27 By phrasing control in these terms , the courts can preserve the impression that they are thereby only fulfilling the legislative will .
28 He made one as if he should try and comfort her , but turned away , walked upstage and on the balcony with his back to the audience , raised his arms widely only to drop them helplessly .
29 Only during the last 100 years has the active cultivation of aquatic plants for decoration been practised , and then widely only during the last 25 years .
30 Luckily only Bethan 's face and neck were affected .
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