Example sentences of "[adv] see " in BNC.

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1 We want rather to see the state intervene only to prevent such use of land as is clearly anti-social or wasteful , while otherwise development is guided and determined by choice and by economic forces .
2 He went home with a couple who had been together for twelve years , not because he wanted to know what it would be like to be made love to by two men at once , but rather to see how these particular two men lived as a couple ; specifically , what they did together in the morning before going to work .
3 Moreover , I shall not try to determine what kind of phenomenon consciousness is ; the task here is rather to see whether the machine analogy can give us a way of talking about it , whatever it is .
4 It is rather to see how Marx handles these problems , and what views he holds about them .
5 If an aggravation occurs i.e. an intensification of the original symptoms , at the end of treatment , then the doses must be reduced in quantity and repeated at longer intervals , or stopped altogether to see if the symptoms will continue to disappear by themselves .
6 There go right to see the Palazzo Erba-Odescalchi , a sumptuous palazzo built by the Cusani family in the early 1500s , although it takes its name from a later Archbishop who used it as his palace in the eighteenth-century .
7 Return to Corso di Porta Romana by going back up Via San Calimero , and go right to see two churches that are little visited .
8 All viewers have to right to see original programmes .
9 Was Margaret Mead ( 1935 ) right to see woman as ‘ an infinitely malleable clay figure upon which mankind has draped ever varying period-costumes ’ ?
10 CAFOD , on behalf of the church in this country , are asking people to write to their MP to stress that this country should not be cutting aid , but rather seeing how we can increase it .
11 Claudia drifted back slowly to see Roman watching her with a closed expression that sent shivers running through her , banishing the ecstasy of his lovemaking .
12 Alerted by a slight sound , she again opened her eyes , turning her head slowly to see a cup and saucer being placed on a nearby small table .
13 NEW YORK ( AP ) — Computer users around the world waited nervously to see whether warnings of a rogue ‘ virus ’ come true today .
14 Gay stayed with her , while Breeze ran into the inn and , with lively recollections of her last visit , asked rather nervously to see the proprietor .
15 We knew very little about these last clients of the season except that they were two attorneys and a proctologist , all from Georgia and all vacationing with their wives , and we also knew that one of the wives was a vegetarian and that the proctologist hated pasta , but beyond that our guests were utter strangers and so we waited nervously to see what kind of people would be our companions and paymasters for the next week .
16 It was in advance of yesterday 's recall of Parliament , to discuss the economic crisis , that Government whips felt duty-bound to consult widely to see whether the Tory Party still supported him .
17 No — she was presumably seeing to the food and Rupert did n't look the kind of man who would be good at arranging flowers .
18 It lends itself quite suitably to the UK sporting scene which is populated by many black sportsmen growing up in broken homes , settling on the side of the mother and eventually seeing the father as an anathema , as did Repton heavyweight Ray Tabi :
19 When the old Major , so soon to die , had travelled secretly to see his son and meet her , she recognized his courtesy because he was a gentleman , but there was no welcome and no warmth in him .
20 It would be interesting to be able to monitor educative efforts by Alcor etc. to see if moderation of attitudes ensues .
21 You can also enquire locally to see whether your local DHA has details of course vacancies .
22 I should like hon. Members to give TECs not only their support but the time to develop their approach locally to see whether they can meet the high expectations that understandably now exist .
23 She reversed in a reckless sweep , scraping the Range Rover with a hideous scream of metal , then tore off down the hairpin bends of the drive , blinking away tears furiously to see where she was going .
24 I had neither , so I plodded stoically through the mire turning a corner eventually to see the summit of Ingleborough framed by the walls of the lane .
25 The eye begins eventually to see pockets and spaces within the greys , the whites , the after-images of after-images of vibrant , sumptuous colour : the bands then begin to buckle and warp , blend into each other ; a kind of visual melt-down occurs as the retina tries to encompass this searing tension .
26 Mr Johnston said it would be foolish to anticipate better advertising volumes for the provincial press in general , at least until the latter part of 1993 , but the group 's present lower cost base should certainly benefit profits if Britain was eventually to see the type of modest recovery which was beginning to boost the US newspaper industry .
27 Similarly there is no assumption that repeated use of a ruler in 4c is more demanding than single use of it in 4b , but this and similar instances need to be examined empirically to see if the task differences concerned are also difficulty factors .
28 It did not take long to see the extension of the concept .
29 As a free man in a growing country , it did not take him long to see the potential .
30 I have to confess that on many occasions I have had recourse to Hansard , of course only to check if my interpretation had conflicted with an express Parliamentary intention , but I can say that it does not take long to recall and assemble the relevant passages in which the particular section was dealt with in Parliament , nor does it take long to see if anything relevant was said .
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