Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It considers the way in which we might make a reality of the observation ( by Keith Joseph ) that ‘ the curriculum should be relevant to the real world and pupils ’ experience of it' by considering the range of challenges and opportunities which people face in , say , the domestic environment , often regarded as too trivial for ‘ academic ’ education , but where arguably most important economic , technical and social decisions are made and acted upon : in the community where a host of issues require an informed public to exercise judgment and active commitment to ensure that the quality of the social and physical environment is constantly improved , and so on in other contexts which will require people to make an active and hopefully informed response , underlain by conceptual understanding of general issues to which , if taught effectively , geography , history , physical sciences and design , indeed all academic disciplines , can make a powerful contribution .
2 Somewhere within , an ethereal harp was playing .
3 The door was open and orchestral music could be heard from a radio somewhere within .
4 Kirov laughed , a little bitterly .
5 ‘ So why did it go wrong ? ’ she asked a little bitterly .
6 ‘ Because , ’ he said a little bitterly , ‘ you 're — unforgettable .
7 Oliver said when I told him this story rather hesitatingly , though I expect my nerves were to do with talking about Gillian .
8 Once upon a time ( I said , and he stared bitterly bitterly at the floor ) there was a very ugly monster who captured a princess and put her in a dungeon in his castle .
9 ‘ The new organisation is aligned with the change process which is currently ongoing and will enable shift teams to work more effectively right across the terminal , ’ commented Roy Beardall .
10 In fact we were , rather condescendingly , informed that teaching methods had changed since the 1960s and we could not expect our child to be educated in the same manner as we ourselves had been .
11 Father Timothy laughed rather condescendingly .
12 My induction into this orthodoxy coincided , however with my growing engagement with the politics of gay culture , and here a different version of Barthes ( that most rapturously polysemic and flirtatiously comic of writers ) was important .
13 Second then , homophobia often intersects with other kinds of phobia and hatred : in this case , and rather economically , not only misogyny but also racism and xenophobia .
14 Now I did once ride it to Cotherstone Show around the time I was twenty-one and going there was just fine because it was mostly downhill .
15 The route , it must be admitted , is mostly downhill , and the wind that day was a favourable one .
16 It seemed to be regarded a little shyly , as though its language were faulty , or its reference to pleasure ill-advised .
17 Rupert Stonebird entered the room a little shyly .
18 His round , brown eyes regarded me obliquely , a little suspiciously above the high cheekbones .
19 But it appeared at precisely the right moment to catch the poststructuralist tide associated with Derrida and the later Barthes , and several of the most influential titles brought together , rather uneasily , poststructuralism and Marxism .
20 Moral indignation sits rather uneasily on the hon. Gentleman 's shoulders , particularly on this matter .
21 The accused may admit the exposure was wilful etc. verbally and/or by making a statement under caution .
22 To take comfort in the simple truth about Hard Times : that however rotten things might seem at the moment , they will most assuredly seem altogether quaint fifty years from now .
23 So , up-to-the-minute styling and first-class performance , combined with that irresistible whiff of exclusivity does n't have to cost the earth , as these three fine examples most assuredly demonstrate .
24 Surprisingly Dingwall states categorically that Geschwind 's theory , ‘ while ingenious , is most assuredly incorrect … ’
25 But do n't be misled , the book will most assuredly sink in a hot tub .
26 She convinces herself today that something was red yesterday that most assuredly was blue . "
27 Will he further accept that service men are looking for the opportunity to obtain a rung on the ownership ladder and that the Housing Corporation and its satellite housing associations can most assuredly provide that ?
28 But it was there when my heart softened on witnessing the courtesy you showed my housekeeper , the smile you had for her ; there when I asked you to dinner with no certainty why I 'd done so , other than that it most assuredly was n't on account of any interview .
29 Further to a letter forwarded to me by my colleagues in the Orkney Seven Action Group , I have now confirmed to my local MP , Jim Wallace , that such representations as he can make on my behalf most assuredly have my consent .
30 The second is the statement of a clear evolutionary sequence in the Preface to a Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy , the work where Marx expresses [ p. 83 ] most coherently his theory of history : ‘ In broad outlines Asiatic , ancient , feudal and modern bourgeois modes of production can be designated as progressive epochs in the economic formation of society ’ .
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