Example sentences of "[pers pn] off " in BNC.

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1 And he says , sells his off at a quarter of a million , per cube .
2 And if you give me dad 's five pound well I can mark his off and then you can tell him then , I 'll leave your card here and you can say you 've paid and you owe me five pound .
3 Well he takes his off , but he always takes his off
4 Well he takes his off , but he always takes his off
5 You grizzle yours off .
6 You want yours off ?
7 She might easy 'ave murdered 'im if our dad 'ad n't pulled 'er off .
8 Here now , let me help ye off with yer coat and hat .
9 ‘ And to take them off your host ? ’ said Milsom astringently .
10 I borrowed some money from Katrina , packed my suitcases and my travelling bag , and took them off down to London .
11 A top dressing of grit , though not essential , will show them off and avoid soil splashes on their delicate petals .
12 Just pinch them off and plant in seed compost , which should be kept barely moist in a bright , warm place .
13 However , it is unwise to seal them off completely with tape as a large change in atmospheric pressure may cause damage to some instruments .
14 in bathrooms or kitchens , where steam or cooking fumes could set them off .
15 All lifts are fitted with Key Switches that can turn them off to prevent children playing with them .
16 She took them off .
17 ‘ To keep them off — to defend ourselves ! ’
18 In the end , to put them off , I told them I was quite clear about the type who attracted me and that there was no point in introducing me to anyone who did n't match up .
19 If you do n't have them , use manual valves to adjust the radiators or turn them off in rooms not in use .
20 Frustrations will cloud your horizons for a time but you will shake them off and emerge well pleased with your efforts .
21 To loose them off together , scatter-gun fashion : Stavrogin says ‘ I am making this statement , incidentally , to prove I am in full possession of my mental faculties and understand my position ’ ; ‘ I want to forgive myself , this is my chief aim , my whole aim ’ ; ‘ I want everyone to look at me ’ ; ‘ I fall back on this as my last resource ’ ; ‘ The thing about me then was I felt bored with life , sick and tired of it ’ ; ‘ I am seeking boundless suffering ’ ; ‘ I took it into my head to mutilate my life somehow ’ ( not necessarily the same thing as seeking suffering , any more than seeking suffering need entail accepting it ) .
22 This is why he does not cut them off , ’ said an aide to the Prince in Bangkok last week .
23 They attacked him , but he was able to hold them off until help arrived .
24 ‘ What will sustain the reformers of Eastern Europe is that great yearning for freedom that has started them off .
25 — John Major , Foreign Secretary ‘ What will sustain the reformers of Eastern Europe is that great yearning for freedom that has started them off .
26 I would have liked to take them off but the situation was still uncertain , and everyone still believed that the German forces were determined to push us off this high ground east of the Orne .
27 Even here the peasantry was soon split as a result of Communist organization and the creation of a privileged group of peasant soldiers whose better food and clothes cut them off from their fellows .
28 The officials who sent them off from the ports with the loaded railway-wagons gave them rations for the number of days which the grain would in normal times take to its destination .
29 Since peasants who still possessed any seed reserves or livestock were excluded from relief , they were compelled to sell them off in some cases in order to survive .
30 He befuddled them so much that we just ended up paying them off . ’
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