Example sentences of "[pers pn] they " in BNC.

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1 They still work I they 've got there used to be one man er employed to erm give these er boats water , fresh water drinking water
2 I they were so good and I was so happy that the nursing went you see .
3 And I left Rhos-y-Bol when I retired because I felt I they 'd have to have another nurse there , and you see the other nurse would never be able to enjoy the They would always be running to me a and it would n't be fair to another nurse .
4 Er I know er perhaps I was er civil or obedient or whatever , I do n't know but er I I they u they used to have this this collection for the for supposedly for carrying the water , I do n't know .
5 His ideas are as I they they say that he was er I do n't know how much truth I that he was the first that he patented and devised the first rotating drilling machine .
6 No I they 're in the archive
7 I suspect now that you know I mean I they might still to move given to one or two of my family members , but basically I could more openly say you know that in fact I suppose my view in Britain but not in Australia but my view in Britain is okay , the Royal Family could continue to exist they must A pay taxes B I do n't genuflect to any of them and C we 've got ta put them in perspective they 're in which is they 're a tourist attraction erm you know but I and I can make those comments which would be met by a lot of Britons with hostility , people who would totally disagree with me and say well they are the Royals and you know bow , bow , bow , but others would agree with me and that is something that has changed over the last three decades it really has , it 's changed during , during my absence in Australia , it is something you know that I came back to and I mean I kept , I 've been back about three or four weeks and there 's a pro I mean there 's some delightful radio programmes here comedy , political comedy shows and there was one show I listened to and I had been back a couple of weeks and it was about erm the Queen had a P R issue and she had to sort of do something about it , so she decided they 'd have a public execution of Edward and they described Edward was a cream puff and they the Queen and and er Andrew and everybody else was on the balcony at er Buck House and the crowds are cheering and the rolled and the the execution .
8 I they would n't give you any points .
9 And so I I they 're not agree with you so this surely is n't a situation that has arisen or will arise .
10 they 're they 're going have extension built I mean I they 're gon na use it at Christmas family coming over and they 're gon na have their Christmas dinner out there .
11 And I they were addressed to him and they were from the council and I simply said , er wrote on the outside erm no longer here , address not known .
12 Cos I they er but
13 And erm I they had to have a couple of I mean I think
14 went to have a look in his bedrooms like and I they 're all done out in pine , every bedroom is done out in pine .
15 I know , I they have n't been open all this week .
16 Yeah , , I they never give you date , yeah .
17 You always did n't I they tell you ?
18 I 've got , I 've got stuff to sort out anyway I they do n't know I have n't .
19 I mean I they 've got a , a stall on the market , I 've seen something on the market on that stall , but they 've not got it in their size and they 'll say to you , ooh , go over to the shop , you know , and you go over
20 So that I the last time I was down there and I they opened up the door to go and get some cos they had hundreds in there .
21 Oh I they all owe me now !
22 which I they 're not typical lads in many ways are they ?
23 No no they went the other way I they were walking that way I was walking along the grass yeah .
24 Even so , I they can go and look up that lot of words in Shakespeare .
25 In a mature relationship imitation is replaced by reciprocation , in which the parties frankly recognise their differences while resisting the temptation to think that ‘ because my ways are different from yours they are therefore better ’ .
26 You may treat them as your children since they were two years old but if they 're not a blood relative of yours they wo n't be inheriting anything anyway however close they may be .
27 Lentils coming from Ethiopia , you get wheat from the States , rice from the States , ap apples from France , tea from India , coffee from Brazil and Columbia , sugar from the Windward Islands , bananas from all over the place , you know those are the things that keep us alive , no , you know , whether we one think they are or not , but I mean them things are what keeps the economy alive for one , it 's also what keeps us personally alive if you do n't know why we take an interest in Third World issues , I would say that it 's that , we 're dependent on these countries , we could produce enough foods for our own needs , but we would n't have oranges , coffee , tea , sugar , you know cos we ca n't grow them in this country we , we really depend on those things to stay alive , and for that reason alone we should have some kind of interest , if you went to Kenya for example they would be staggered at how little you know about their country given how much they know about yours they know a lot about this country , a lot of it is a bit loopy , but then what you know about their country is probably a bit off centre as well , and you know I hope that this is something that we 're reversing in this section , our perceptions of the Third World or the south or whatever we choose to call it , colour a lot of the things that we think and do and say and it increases the amount of racism that there is around us all , all those kind of things , erm and I think that it is really important to look at what a perception is , you know , for example what 's your perception of this ?
28 That way Brian 's had his they 've got their
29 they 've bought theirs they 've made it beautiful .
30 ‘ Would ye , ’ Rab asked ; he thought it the daftest question , ‘ if somebody tells ye they could fly ye on a kite ?
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