Example sentences of "[pers pn] hand " in BNC.

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1 In dem hands dem hav sticks
2 Here are minutely detailed drawings of ‘ An ostensory of gold designed by Algardi … in ye church called ye Chiesa Nuovo belonging to ye Fathers of ye Oratory of St Philip Neri in Rome ’ ; of ‘ The crown wherwith [ sic ] Alexander first duke of Florence was crowned by ye hands of Pope Pius V at Rome ; of ‘ The Corna , or the crown worn by the Doge of Venice , kept in the Great Treasury of St Mark ’ , and many more numinous and valuable objects , now vanished .
3 Does she hand wash her woollies ?
4 Okay , and this is difficult when you hand essays in , is n't it .
5 This takes a bit of practice and does not work well if you hands tend to be on the clammy side !
6 To wash you hands :
7 Are you hands clammy ?
8 Mr Koc said on a visit to Dr Crockett 's surgery he saw him hand a cheque to Mr Ata Nur Kuntar .
9 Mr Koc said on a visit to Dr Crockett 's surgery he saw him hand a cheque to Mr Ata Nur Kuntar .
10 A campesina spoke up , saying she too had seen him hand over the knife .
11 ‘ But we all saw him hand the knife over . ’
12 She had seen him hand a letter to the man with a black beard .
13 But , in any case , it was obvious , since she had n't seen him hand any envelope over to anyone , that he must have sent his important papers off with a messenger when she was either in her room or in the bathroom .
14 David raised his head , and saw the two who walked towards him hand in hand .
15 ‘ Either they hands you a boxful of bits and says ‘ These seem to be left over ’ or they swear they never touched the car , when you can see all the leads are on back-to-front . ’
16 And me hand hurts . ’
17 ‘ What am I ? ’ she asked looking at Tumbleweed , and then began to recite in a sing-song voice , ‘ with a stick in me hand and a stone in me throat , I walk through the land in me shiny , red coat . ’
18 It screeches to a halt beside me , three guys get out , blindfold me , tie me hand and foot and bundle me into the van .
19 I ent ever hit a child and if I ever do it 'll be with the skin of me hand .
20 Sometimes it is manifested in an exaggeration of previous dependency when problems arise ; sometimes , with strangers , excessive expectations of and need for support arise from these earlier relationships ( 'My husband waited on me hand and foot . ' )
21 ‘ I spend more time with me hand , it 's a lot less f—ing hassle , ’ claims Mark .
22 So Brett 'n' Damon ‘ m ’ me hand about playing Stackheel Olympics for a bit and then we go into town to look at the girls .
23 Had the kettle in me hand when it rang . "
24 You know they they 're a lot of the older men makes you wonder have they been sacked so they do n't have to pay them hand shakes at the end you know if they wanted to lay some people off .
25 Once they get wind of that they 'll have me in there like a shot — And me hands are getting worse .
26 ‘ Means I had to get down on me hands and knees with the bill-hook , round the back like .
27 No , Michael , I wo n't get me hands dirty .
28 ‘ He just took her off me hands . ’
29 Look , can I wash me hands before I get into bed ? ’
30 ‘ I ai n't yer old sweet'eart , ’ said Mrs Beavis , whose naturally sunny beam did not always shine for everyone , ‘ and I 'appen to be keepin' me hands to meself . ’
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