Example sentences of "[noun pl] call " in BNC.

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1 The former Charlton Athletic manager has been linked with Spurs , with Peter Shreeves under pressure and fans calling for a new manager .
2 Billy Graham like all such evangelists called for people from the congregation to make an immediate decision and to come out from the crowd ; and Ramsey wrote that the call for an immediate decision had danger because the mind could be stifled in the process and this could bring a later revenge in scepticism and indifference .
3 My reason for calling a sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ is not its resemblance in some respect to other sensations called by the same name , but its mere resemblance to them .
4 What I mean by calling a sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ is its mere resemblance to other sensations called by the same name .
5 The implication of this passage is that the words ‘ sensation of white ’ denote the sensation , but connote its resemblance to other sensations called by the same name .
6 His father had left him 20 acres called ‘ Margarettes Stacyes land ’ in North Marston which , with common rights added , must have been equivalent to something like 30 .
7 In the woods is Halling Park , a large area covering 95 acres , and another of 28 acres called Pasted .
8 The Icelanders called one of their finest gushers of boiling water and steam Geysir , and this name was applied subsequently to all those depressing pieces of gas-fired plumbing which used to be a familiar part of the British bathroom scene .
9 Through this mini trespass the RA are hoping to encourage hundreds of members to stage a mass trespass on the moor on September 29 , as part of Forbidden Britain Day — an annual event with nationwide protest walks calling for greater access to the countryside .
10 Masked by the apparently careless tumble of examples ( ‘ etc. , etc. ’ ) is a calculated insistence on the sore spot , on what Shatov in the notebooks calls social unsteadiness , a small but virulent secular profanity standing over against the noble , perhaps the noblest sequence in The Possessed , where Marie Shatov returns to her husband to give birth to another man 's child .
11 When , on 4 December , Suenens called for a complete redrafting of the schema on the Church , he was greeted with prolonged applause and backed by Montini .
12 In spite of two books calling for ‘ Educational Linguistics ’ ( Spolsky , 1978 : Stubbs , 1986 ) the case that will convince the profession at large has still to be made .
13 His imitations of other voices calls for a good sense of mimicry , and should bring the dreariness of his life into focus .
14 One such car with four Frenchmen called at the Ponderosa .
15 Telegrams calling for a substitute teacher at very short notice in some far flung place were not unusual and had to receive prompt attention .
16 Over the next six months calls through AEA will be monitored to see if a measurable improvement in call handling is evident and to compare our performance with that of other major UK organisations .
17 It is interesting to note that the ‘ pope ’ — as the kids called Fermi — ‘ because he 's always right ’ , was only seven years older than Amaldi .
18 Other kids called Tom a gipsy , but only when they were out of his reach !
19 ‘ That chink who damn near killed Brett … the one the kids called Archangel Michael , or Angel One , or whatever . ’
20 Not so very long ago computers were communicated with through large electro-mechanical typewriters called , almost universally , Teletypes .
21 In large doses it was effective against experimental infections in animals , and some related compounds called sulphones were better .
22 It is not yet known how the active components of ginseng , compounds called triterpenoidal saponins , achieve these effects , although by analogy with the related steroidal saponins , such as digitalis , they may act on specific cell membranes .
23 The active components tend to be compounds called liguans , terpenoidal saponins or simple phenols .
24 Plastics , wood and chlorine are just some of the components of waste which , when burnt , generate compounds called dioxins , extremely toxic substances which are known to cause cancer in animals .
25 The dna molecule is composed of the string of compounds called nucleotide , having four bases attached to them : A C G T. What is surprising about dna is that A and T will cling together , and so will C and G. A single dna chain , immersed in a pool of nucleotide , will latch on to its counterpart and thus be able to duplicate itself when the double chain is split apart .
26 Chocolate contains several amounts of caffeine and related compounds called methyl xanthines , and a further mood-stimulating substance , beta phenyl ethylamine .
27 Local dentists called the meeting after learning ministers wanted to reduce the 25pc subsidies paid to them for NHS patients .
28 The guards called him Fou-Fou and me Andy .
29 In his final years he tried to revive his career in an American television series about martial arts called The Master ( 1986 ) but it failed and another series never got beyond the pilot stage .
30 I remember when I was working on the building sites in Manchester , the Irish lads called onions " navvies ' apples " and some of them would peel them and eat them whole like fruit .
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