Example sentences of "[noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 Clearly this artist was going to keep me fully entertained as she peered alternately at me and my picture , producing a range of squints , pouts and grimaces that Rowan Atkinson might envy .
2 She pants and pouts and poses and scweams .
3 ‘ When the sky clouds over , the surface broods , pouts and stamps its foot like a child forced to spend its holidays indoors . ’
4 Within two years he had so firmly established himself that he was able to bring to Canada his wife and young son , Lyon , where they settled happily , first at Maberly , Ontario , then in Montreal , a home with more than a touch of aristocratic manners and style .
5 There are some glimpses of the same behaviour in MacMillan 's Mayerling , although the manners and behaviour have deteriorated .
6 In the deterioration of Count Rudolf 's manners and behaviour , MacMillan shows more clearly than anywhere else in his works how any mental and physical breakdown must show through and beyond the technicalities of the dance .
7 A senior female officer explained to an assembly of policewomen who were being trained in how to operate a casualty bureau that they were better suited to operating the telephones because of their ‘ good manners and compassionate nature ’ ( FN 29/5/87 , p. 2 ) .
8 Rachel , on the other hand , thought that tidiness was simply a moral necessity , along with generosity , thoughtfulness , good manners and clarity .
9 But changing middle-class manners and values were also important .
10 She felt disturbed ; thinking of the gleaming Karl with his polished manners and mannered poise , and of how once he had been a boy .
11 He always admired the culture , manners and civilization of the better type of Englishman . ’
12 The two had much in common : conceit , fame , unorthodox pulpit manners and a trenchant belief in liberal progress .
13 ‘ Perhaps people are being nave , ’ says Simon Muggleton , ‘ but these guys have the patter and the manners and they can be very convincing .
14 Mrs Helmsley , who began adult life selling cigarettes in a New York cinema , had become so unpopular as the details of her manners and penny-pinching management technique were exposed in court during her trial that her lawyers based an eleventh-hour appeal for mercy on her likely prison victimisation as a ‘ notorious , widely-reviled , vastly wealthy New York Jew . ’
15 ‘ It was described by Lord Provost Black in 1845 as a school which has conferred a lustre upon our city and which has given a tone to the manners and intellect of all its inhabitants .
16 The faces , manners and origins of notable men were too highly publicised .
17 Those were the days when what are now old-time good manners and fashions were the newest of the new , and Kate Cranston 's wasp-waisted Mackintosh Tea-room , the Willow , was but a sapling in the street it was named after — Sauchiehall Street means the Street of the Willows .
18 We were fortunate to have the loan of a new Citroën BX 4x4 Estate for our weekend trip , which , with its sure-footed permanent four-wheel drive , impeccable road manners and self-levelling suspension , had taken everything in its stride , — including , thanks to its optional electronic ABS braking system , stopping quickly and safely when we suddenly encountered a 5 mile tail back in a contra-flow on the M1 .
19 Even more bitter were the attacks on the behaviour of the demi-mondaines who did not hesitate to parade ‘ the profits of their vice ’ in front of decent folk and whose example , so it was said , influenced young women of good society : ‘ Among young women who count amongst the best bred and the best brought up , there are those who do not hesitate to copy the manners and behaviour of girls of easy virtue . ’
20 He has certainly excellent manners and both he and the dear and very charming Empress ( whom Albert likes particularly ) do the honneurs extremely well and very gracefully and are full of every kind of attention .
21 She was glad of Everthorpe 's guidance , though she disliked his manners and resented his evident desire to stage-manage her arrival at Pringle 's .
22 ‘ My father taught me the value of manners and being a gentleman .
23 On the one hand there are the conventional rules of good manners and of correct behaviour ; on the other , the rules concerning sympathy and respect for others , keeping faith , honesty , and so on .
24 This may be enough to make him lose interest but , if he persists , discourage him briefly and matter-of-factly , explaining that such words show bad manners and offend some people , who will like him less if he insists on using them .
25 Support for Scott could have come from Stanley 's Parliamentary Under Secretary , Henry Baillie , who was a personal friend of Manners and had been a supporter of Young England .
26 As a hungry little lad my stomach occasionally overruled my manners and the Grace would include a parenthetic rebuke such as , ‘ For what we are about to receive ( and for what Stewart has already eaten ) we give You thanks … ’
27 ‘ Evil communications corrupt good manners , ’ says a Greek proverb , and in the polarised world we live in , where name calling and counter-check is the order of the day , it is not surprising that good manners and etiquette have gone by the board .
28 And a passion for ‘ more national art : all our Highlands and islands are teeming with histories and traditions , manners and customs , and scenes worthy of the life-labours of our most gifted sons , yet few care to venture into this field . ’
29 And they had especial value because the other evidence for the nature of primitive man , the ‘ manners and customs of modern savages ’ , was fast disappearing too .
30 The members of the Royal Society , although they probably did n't adopt the social manners and customs of the 1770s and actually drink Priestley 's soda water at their Dining Club , were greatly impressed by its merits .
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