Example sentences of "[adj] we " in BNC.

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1 One or two of the old films are now on CD video because they are important documents of certain artists , but the way we are filming and editing the films I am now making is completely different We have learnt a very great deal in these years and so we forget about the older films just as you would n't dream of driving around in a thirty-year-old car .
2 Simply because Japan appears to be different we should guard against reversing the image by suggesting that none of the standard elements of Japanese work practices is present in the West , and that workplace conflict is rare in Japan .
3 And now for something completely different we go over to our roving reporter in the North East of England who is interviewing a member of The Marauders .
4 Rossythe is no different we stand to lose eighteen thousand plus training facilities for the whole of Scotland but we 've just been told of recent that a new nuclear waste dump is to be built at Rossythe could you tell us if this is a forerunner for the subject of closing Rossythe down with a loss of all these jobs ?
5 Mr is very different we must all be protected , I 've worked out my bill as the same as this year because no way shall I spend seventeen and a half percent more money I shall be as careful as I can and I sha n't starve and I sha n't get cold now I 've worked out that the V A T on my fuel bill is eight hundred and eighty five pounds , I 'd delighted if Mr could perform the trick and I need n't pay it , on behalf of the Duke of Westminster , the Duke of Rutland , I think I can also thank him .
6 He says , Every auidience is different we never know what their reaction will be whether they are going to cheer or boo .
7 Yet more clearly , perhaps , by describing something as an ontological existent clearly , perhaps , by describing something as an ontological existent we are in effect committed to accepting that this something , at any given time , can be rightfully claimed to belong to one , and only one , out of each pair of mutually exclusive classed in any universe of discourse in which this existent features as a topic .
8 To sum up , in positing an item as an ontological existent we are at the same time by implication positing this item as a potential subject of a non-arbitrary subset of predicates from among an indefinite number of meaningful predicates , and hence as completely determinate with regard to possible descriptions that may be given of it at any given time .
9 ‘ His illness is so grave we will go down almost at any time , ’ he said .
10 The prospect of the moth scam was so exciting we even bought platform tickets so as not to blow it at the development stage .
11 When we are influenced to vote or support a cause by those whose interests are transnational we are engaged in a typical political transnational practice .
12 Of this , 4 million cubic kilometres is a reasonable estimate for the freshwater we could extract .
13 It is a call to us , too , to leave behind us the false self of our own independence , to celebrate how wholly dependent we are upon God .
14 we ended up entertaining we ended up entertaining erm everybody that was sitting there , it was really funny and we were
15 ‘ If they have a bit of jet-lag or anything that 's going wrong we have the chance to get among them early on , ’ he said .
16 If a number of investments did n't go wrong we would n't be taking sufficient risks .
17 Have you noticed how often when relationships go wrong we are focusing on people 's weaknesses and not on their worth at all ?
18 How wrong we were .
19 How wrong we were !
20 Our change of practice in no longer regarding previous decisions of this House as absolutely binding does not mean that whenever we think a previous decision was wrong we should reverse it .
21 When things go wrong we tend to assume that the police have offended , rather than that they were defeated by real cognitive problems .
22 If we 're wrong we lend you a skipper during the day at no charge .
23 ‘ We were stupid enough to think that people wanted long and boring articles about sex ’ , he remembers , ‘ how wrong we were . ’
24 So perhaps the first thing about that continuum is that none of them are right or wrong we all dis-represent the ways of behaving and it 's very much a personal choice which one will use at one stage .
25 The hypothesis that can explain bat navigation is a good candidate for explaining anything in the world of life , and if Paley 's explanation for any one of his examples was wrong we ca n't make it right by multiplying up examples .
26 Unfortunately if things go wrong we go back to square one .
27 It 's not all doom , gloom and despondency in life , even when things are going wrong we all need to laugh .
28 I 'm giving er a reduced rate for a while , so if anything goes wrong we foot the bill
29 Now he 's tried to shift the responsibility , and that 's something we 're all good at doing , we like shifting the responsibility , whether it 's in even the very tiny things in life , or whether it 's major issues , we like to shift the responsibility to other people , then if it goes wrong we 're alright , our hands are clean , we we 'll have nothing to do with it .
30 The Prison Service is in this business of when things go wrong we have a full enquiry to learn the lessons .
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