Example sentences of "[adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Since the standard molar free energies of formation of these are zero , the following condition must apply if these reactions are to occur spontaneously : The more stable oxide-that is , the oxide with the more negative value-must therefore be the product and not the reactant in both cases .
2 Asserting , what was palpably untrue , that ‘ There are probably few people in India who do not sincerely regret that you should have made it impossible for any government to leave you at liberty ’ , he handed down a sentence of six years ' simple imprisonment , pointing out — the crowning touch-that the sentence was the same as that given to the nationalist hero Bal Gangadhar Tilak , twelve years before .
3 In my compartment two Frenchmen and a Spaniard were losing their pay to a tiny Glaswegian who excelled at poker ; he had already won most of the hands and was trying to explain in broad Scottish that he was open to credit arrangements .
4 His personal fondness for the sayings of the Reverend Swaggart marked him as a man somewhat out of step with much of the rest of the world ; a view reinforced by his apparent keenness on the suggestion of a freebooting American marine that the kingdom become a dumping-ground for spent atomic waste and noxious chemicals .
5 No longer interrupted by shooting , the zombies continued their steady slow pace , completely ignoring the Marines other than to step around any Marine that was in their path .
6 He particularly missed the huge oil portraits which had dignified that impressive Whitehall staircase , intrigued always by the techniques by which artists of varying talents had coped with the challenge of dignifying the ordinary and occasionally unprepossessing features of their sitters by the visual exploitation of magnificent robes and by imposing on their pudgy faces the stern consciousness of imperial power .
7 Finally , there is something about fire when it is small and controllable that is lovely , but uncontrolled it is unpredictable and rather frightening .
8 It surprised Dougal that Lorton wanted him to look after the coins .
9 However , he looked rather bemused when Mr Bell started ad-libbing that if the Sunday Times wanted to pen a profile of the self-styled King of the Corner Shop then ‘ for God 's sake get a better picture of me than The Northern Echo is using . ’
10 Some very early work in AI attempted to model parallel processing , but the machines available were so primitive that little was learnt from this exercise .
11 At their disposal were a ludicrously inadequate army and an administrative machine so primitive that one observer in the early eighteenth century alleged that the tiny Italian city-state of Lucca possessed a larger civil service than they .
12 But he was never saying to himself until one moment in the past that it was much peculiar that a girl as pretty and as fashionable with her peroxide hair as Jilly Jonathan was carrying on holiday a big , crocodile-skin handbag .
13 This answer was so peculiar that the child remembered it .
14 It struck her as peculiar that Mr Browning should not have given Mr Surtees Cook his Rome address for this telegram could not be relayed south in under another twenty-four hours and perhaps more .
15 It seems peculiar that Minoan sites are concentrated in central and eastern Crete , while western Crete is , apparently , relatively empty .
16 The garment is so peculiar that we might dismiss it as a quirk of the rhyton carver 's imagination , but for the fact that it features again on a seal impression from Agia Triadha , where the rhyton also originated .
17 Sinclair Hood ( 1971 , pp. 144–5 ) writes of the Temple Tomb as the only certain example of a Minoan royal tomb , but its status is so peculiar that we can not be sure who was buried there , either at the beginning or at the close of its period of use .
18 It is rather peculiar that no national parks exist in Scotland .
19 Even so , it did strike me as peculiar that someone who lived by French literature should be so calamitously inadequate at making the basic words of the language sound as they did when her subjects , her heroes ( her paymasters , too , you could say ) first pronounced them .
20 ‘ I think it is very peculiar that someone can just give evidence , like Sir Hal Millar , and not be cross-examined on it at all . ’
21 It is peculiar that the hedgehogs should be used as the balls , especially as they keep wandering off and getting into hedgehog fights .
22 ‘ And , if that was n't enough , even while I 'm realising what an idiot I 'm being to grow so infuriated that you and Lubor Ondrus appear to be in each other 's pockets , you , who have no fear whatsoever of my dog — indeed have that day taken him walking — now seem to be taking him over too !
23 It soon became clear that I could no longer rely on friends for help with everyday chores like shopping and housework when I needed it .
24 It soon became clear that I could no longer rely on friends for help with everyday chores like shopping and housework when I needed it .
25 It soon became clear that I could no longer rely on friends for help with everyday chores , like shopping and housework , when I needed it .
26 They have made it clear that from October 1991 aid disbursements will be conditional on improvements in the human rights record of the Sri Lankan government .
27 A newsletter in 1964 complains that ‘ it is clear that the requested £10 per annum is more than one group can manage . ’
28 But it seems clear that this one bears the marks of defeat and despair , and of a reprisal directed at the liberal England which has let the violator down .
29 A piece of oral history may be meant to do without a presiding historian in much the same way in which an analytic session may be meant to do without a presiding analyst ; theoretical presuppositions are subject in each case to a show of suspension , though it is clear that the theories of Freud and others will be present in the consulting-room , and that oral historians may be sympathetic to socialism and to the methods of Marxist historiography .
30 It is made clear that the boy was exposed to serious danger by his father 's irresponsibility and by his sisters ' departure : but his sisters had been exposed to this father too , and had had to defend themselves .
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