Example sentences of "[num] thing " in BNC.

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1 The pity of it was , not long after my father died in 1933 things improved quite a lot in the material sense .
2 It was one of the worst years ever for the construction industry and many a card this Christmas carried a message that 1992 was a good year to see the back of and the hope that in 1993 things may start to look brighter .
3 There are about another forty things that you can get , you know , for this particular er , binder .
4 Dr. Edwin Pugh , director of public health medicine , said there were 1,001 things the authority wanted to do but those in the business plan were items which were thought possible during the coming year .
5 1991 , 27 1042 ) , prompted a childhood memory and sent me rummaging at the top of the house for 300 Things a bright boy can do , a book presented to me by some relative ca 1928 .
6 After 1660 things were different , calmer , less troubled .
7 10 things you did n't know about the Federation Cup
8 10 things you did n't know about Damon Hill
9 10 things you did n't know about the EC
10 10 things you need to know about the EC
11 10 things I love about Britain DANNII YOU AND YOUR HEALTH Are you allergic to summer ?
13 Help Rainbow Rabbit to find 10 things beginning with B in the picture .
15 Here is a list of a dozen things that self-developers tend to do :
16 Whether or not we perceive an event in the world around us depends on three things .
17 What all three things have in common is that they were caused by autumn .
18 Since then three things have happened .
19 Nothing at all but three things
20 The three things which really set us up for John 's arrival .
21 The subtitle is An Allegorical Apology for Christianity , Reason and Romanticism , and it is important to remember that for Lewis the three things went together .
22 Look at three things in a shop and make sure that the last thing you ask the price of is the thing you want . ’
23 IAN Gow , the Conservative member for Eastbourne , is famed for three things : a doglike devotion to the Prime Minister , a deadpan sense of humour , and his quixotic resignation as housing minister because he disapproved of the Anglo-Irish Agreement .
24 But as we move into the gentler , more thoughtful 1990s , Britain 's big retailers — and the people who invest money in them — should bear three things in mind .
25 They have now decided , at a meeting in Luxembourg , that there is one thing the EC can not do and three things it can .
26 Three things have made this harder to do .
27 Looking back later , Helen recalled three things about this new life , so different from the unhappy days when she and Edward discovered that his passionate letters to her were being read by Mrs Andrews : ‘ The beauty of it delighted me , and I thought it the perfect setting for these people with their freedom of manner and thought … .
28 Only three things worried me : the prodigious thirst for fuel , the lack of anti-lock on the brakes and a steering system that combined over-sensitivity with vagueness .
29 Let me mention three things very briefly this morning .
30 The young health correspondent on a new glossy mag he was freelancing for said it could be one of three things .
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