Example sentences of "[vb pp] years " in BNC.

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1 Tho' ye had bidden years awa
2 The trouble is that the majority of kitchens in the majority of homes were designed years ago with appliances , storage cabinets , work surfaces and lighting that is now either inadequate or unsuitable .
3 It admits that it had n't expected to be in this line of work so long , having thought Unix 's compatibility issues would have been resolved years ago .
4 He put Madame Sismondi , whom he had booked years before to go to South Africa , in charge of his London school .
5 A SIMPLE natured man who had suffered years of taunts and attacks by vandals lost his temper and beat an 11year-old boy , a court heard yesterday .
6 A SIMPLE natured man who had suffered years of taunts and attacks by vandals lost his temper and beat an 11-year-old boy , a court heard yesterday .
7 What happened next , was done by a child ‘ who had suffered years of subtle torture at the hands of a madman whose twisted mind helped him justify all his crimes ’ .
8 Continuous recording drastically limited a lot of standard studio effects taken for granted years later .
9 As unsuspecting Betty appeared , her face was a picture of amazement on being greeted not only by present Class members but also by many who had attended years ago .
10 Looking beyond these , and hence further back in time , ISO may ‘ see ’ the birth of galaxies soon after the big bang , something ground-based infrared astronomers have sought years .
11 I , since the time when I first became morally certain I was in love , seem to have grown years older …
12 Lawyers for Clifford Newton , 46 , who said he had endured years of bullying , intimidation and violence culminating in a death threat from his father , had urged the Court of Appeal to reduce the jail term .
13 Anthony said years ago , when the rail ma men went on strike why do it ?
14 You could keep them a as long as it was a reasonable way from the street as you might say and , and were fortunate because our pigstys had been built years before and they were ooh , suitably fifty to sixty yards from the main road you see , but I used to laugh at that when we , when we were having these pigs killed .
15 Government deregulation has exposed previously protected service industries to competition and forced managers to make the job cuts they should have made years ago .
16 A correspondent learned to do that , even if he no longer needed to practise his profession — the best-selling book he had written years ago had given blessed financial independence .
17 If England were looking to the future then some of the players should have been selected years ago .
18 He did n't say anything about ( well-documented ) insults Yeugh directed at the distinguished internationals for no apparent reason — like telling Eddie Gray ‘ if you were a racehorse you 'd have been shot years ago ’ in front of the team — or indeed any of the other eccentric behaviour of the man that got him fired .
19 I suspected that Gillian was getting rid of Wyatt as a way of breaking with her father ( who did n't even come to the wedding , incidentally ) and pointing out to her Mum what she ought to have done years before .
20 Branches clawed at her hair and she felt like she had done years ago , waiting for Jezrael to catch up , knowing she was going to be late for school , but she could n't leave her sister to struggle in on her own .
21 One time , after he had done that , I found somewhere dark , and the Bony Lady cried ; cried as she should have done years back .
22 So , what did you think of the adverts ? of Decommissioning and Waste Management 's Transport Technology Department felt that the idea of the high-profile campaign was ‘ good , but it should have been done years ago ’ .
23 I think Con was strong enough and single-minded enough to do what I should have done years ago .
24 Hopefully the next England manager will realise this and consign him to the scrap-heap as Taylor should have done years ago .
25 " It could have been done years ago , but nobody was really interested in it . "
26 Recognising the hopelessness of her situation , she had resolved to do what she ought to have done years ago , and systematically banished him from her heart .
27 ‘ Would you prefer that I do what some man should have done years ago ?
28 And he complains bitterly that exhaustive health tests were not done years ago .
29 I bloody have done years ago you chuck buckets of water over them .
30 I have done years ago .
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