Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Second , it is virtually impossible to determine exactly how much Grampian produced whisky is exported because much of it is blended and/or bottled elsewhere .
2 But what was lacking to underpin a choice between the two was agreement among clinicians about which groups of patients could be treated and/or cared for successfully outside the asylum .
3 Where a surgeon has been brought in ‘ at the last minute ’ to prepare a Medical Report then his opinion and Report can always be made the subject of valid criticism in the event of being compared with the Report and opinion of a surgeon who has consistently treated and/or prepared Reports on a claimant over a lengthy period of time .
4 Consequently , many added as a rider to their initial response the comment that the reporting accountant should be registered and/or licensed by the Law Society and required to undertake training in solicitors ' accounts .
5 Moreover , the claimant who has been successful in a case like the one in which the SCC judgement was rendered can bring an action for compensation of any additional financial damage sustained and/or for compensation for injury to feeling .
6 without the engine being stopped and/or
7 ‘ conspired amongst themselves and others to defraud the plaintiffs , and with intent to injure the plaintiffs , by a scheme for extracting moneys from the plaintiffs by way of inflated valuations and percentage fees and commission payments based upon such inflated valuations and by otherwise exposing the plaintiffs to liabilities , and calculated to make a profit for themselves … and/or companies in which the same were interested … by false representations , including forged and/or fraudulently altered and/or concealed loan application documentation by [ the third defendant ] .
8 It can determine that the trustee should be paid a percentage of the value of the assets realised and/or distributed , or by reference to the time spent by the trustee and his staff , and must have regard to the complexity or otherwise of the matter , any exceptional responsibility falling on the trustee , the trustee 's effectiveness and the value and nature of the assets dealt with by the trustee .
9 No one knows whether the area is contaminated or not .
10 THE substances could have been contaminated or tampered with .
11 Waste materials may be contaminated or laborious to separate .
12 And building society , anybody who has a building society account prior to ninety one two if they had n't income really i they were silly to have money in the building society account because they were having tax deducted but could n't get it back and at the same time as the independent taxation they changed the er tax system for building societies and banks which meant that banks and building societies were then deducted tax at the standard rate of twenty five percent and it could be refunded or repaid or not deducted in certain circumstances , so back to your question , anybody who has money in a building society now , or is n't taxable , should ask the building society not to deduct tax , as they 're entitled to do , fill a form and , and where people can state that they do n't , they 're not liable to pay tax , building societies and banks will not now deduct income tax .
13 What they did not foresee was that people got the impression they were going to be crushed or trampled underfoot and , though the 30,000 portions of pie were eaten , many people opted to stay away .
14 If future league tables report disaggregated profiles for resources and costs for each study then the costs may be validated or recalculated for the decision maker 's own setting .
15 There is no requirement that such serious results should have been foreseen or foreseeable , so long as D was trying to prevent an arrest .
16 These were of immense consequence in giving elected Indian officials their first real taste of power , and in encouraging them to ask for more — much more , needless to say , than Curtis had either foreseen or intended .
17 In order to break these lengthy causal chains and thus put a cap on liability by devising a test of personal responsibility , interests theories invoke such criteria as a voluntary act , consent , acquiescence , a duty of care and foreseen or foreseeable consequences .
18 Other definitions refer to the totality of what students experience during their course of studies — the learning rather than the teaching — stressing the effects ( foreseen or otherwise ) of curricular plans and intentions .
19 The historian was at his best , he maintained , not as an analyst but as ‘ a craftsman of synthesis , a weaver of other men 's threads ( and some of his own ) into patterns which they had not foreseen or even suspected ’ ; and he was forthright in claiming , at a time when it was not fashionable , that the contemporary historian was just as capable of such synthesis as historians of earlier centuries .
20 With the benefit of hindsight it is possible at a later stage to determine whether the strategy provided a safeguard against these forces and , if not , whether the reasons were foreseen or at least foreseeable .
21 If , on the other hand , he was not genuine in writing the letters and had connived or conduced to the fraudulent behaviour of the son , or was even aware of it and consented to it , then he would not under any logical analysis have written the letters in these terms .
22 The ‘ explanation ’ raises many problems , not the least being why the symptoms should depend upon whether the temperature rhythm is delayed or advanced with respect to the sleep/wake rhythm .
23 NIGEL BENN 's arrival on the world championship stage may have to be delayed or diverted to another country .
24 Yet the state decreed , at first , that ‘ Romeo and Juliet ’ should have a happy ending ; production of that and other pieces was inexplicably delayed or cancelled ; and his favourite operatic director , Vsevelod Meyerhold , was arrested in June 1939 after publicly defying accusations of ‘ artistic errors ’ .
25 The army undertook to transport film and copy but it was often delayed or lost .
26 As a result , in each instance , the harm that might have been done to the environment was at least delayed or controlled .
27 The question now seems to be : will Government policy be changed or will implementation of the closure plan merely be delayed or modified ?
28 No responsibility can be taken for entries lost , delayed or damaged in the post or otherwise .
29 , No responsibility can be taken for entries lost , delayed or damaged in the post or otherwise .
30 No responsibility can be taken for entries lost , delayed or damaged in the post or otherwise .
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