Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By April he had recovered sufficiently to travel to America once more , to see his sisters ; this visit is perhaps most remarkable for the fact that he addressed the largest assembly ever gathered to attend a literary lecture ( he also received what was then the largest fee for such an event , some two thousand dollars ) .
2 Kitchen equipment — cooker , refrigerator , washing-machine and spin-drier — should all be checked to see that they are functioning well and safely .
3 The physicists lived for the emulsion trails and double checked to see if they were interpreting them correctly .
4 In the case of a walk-in or chance guest then the room status board would be checked to see if accommodation was available .
5 The registration is checked to see if it has been correctly completed .
6 Upon receipt of a completed request form by the lexicographers the form should be checked to see whether it is acceptable .
7 First the existing geometric domain relationships will be checked to see if the relationships already exist and , if not , whether their acceptance will violate any other existing relationships .
8 The distribution of records produced by a given algorithm should be checked to see that this will not occur .
9 She had been left outside a great many pubs on warm summer evenings while models and some younger aspiring painters had occasionally checked to see if she was still there .
10 The proposal form should be checked to see if the Policyholder disclosed the illness/injury or if the complaint first occurred after inception of the policy , did the Policyholder disclose this at the appropriate renewal date .
11 Where claims involve losses in these areas during the winter period stated , they should be carefully checked to see if the clause has been complied with .
12 Other terminal word branches off this node are checked to see if they have remaining MRPA symbols which have to be distinguished from the current input by creating new non-terminals .
13 ( 4 ) The terms of issue of any convertible securities , options or warrants should be checked to see whether they confer any pre-emption rights or restrictions on new issues .
14 Security videos throughout the city centre are being checked to see if the bombers have been trapped on tape .
15 The case was adjourned until Monday for the condition of a submachine gun to be checked to see if it was capable of being fired .
16 Regularly means that we go in anyway t every six months you go and have your teeth checked to see if they 're okay .
17 Apart from toys , walking-sticks , postcards and other such tourist necessities , he was also hoping to sell antiquités and the old things he had gathered lay about in an indescribable miscellany .
18 It is generally accepted that control systems have to be organized in parallel to the activities that they are intended to monitor .
19 Our new computer system is intended to monitor course registrations , but more students have registered than were represented on the computer printout .
20 It is intended to monitor the economic relations between these Republics collectively or singly to provide a basis for future studies in greater depth .
21 The Valley Hotel is ideally situated to appeal to the overnight tourist , mid-week and weekend break markets .
22 Too run-down and curiously situated to appeal to most families , it had stood empty for several years before Frankie 's parents made it their home .
23 A new bridge has just been completed to enable the railway to pass over the new Metrolink .
24 All that is required is that sufficient of the works shall have been completed to enable the premises to be used for the purpose intended , and if the tenant has any particular concerns as to the completion of the works then it should ensure that express provision is made for those concerns in the agreement ( see clause 2.8 ) .
25 During the first half of 1992 , a plan was developed to restore Waterford Crystal to acceptable profitability .
26 For example , some lawyers say the law of deception must be adjusted to include deception of machines rather than just people .
27 It is proposed to extend the circumstances in which the price and number of shares under the British Gas Sharesave Scheme may be adjusted to include an ‘ open offer ’ ( an offer to shareholders similar to a rights issue ) or any other variation of share capital which the Inland Revenue accepts as sufficient ground for such an adjustment and at the same time to allow for adjustments to reflect changes in the class of shares , or the rights attaching to shares , under option .
28 At first , the British intended to carry on regardless with that year 's dump , but were forced to back down after a concerted blacking of the cargo by trade unions .
29 My earlier use of ‘ translation ’ to cover both interpretation and compilation into a lower-level language is not intended to carry any suggestion that the lower levels , including the lowest level of all , the machine 's registers , can be an interesting formal semantics for the higher levels , let alone what the highest level ‘ is about ’ .
30 It had not originally been intended to carry on the research after that date , but it was so successful that finding was obtained to set up a panel study .
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