Example sentences of "[vb past] quite " in BNC.

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1 A Soviet tank may not be comfortable to ride in compared with a NATO tank , but it is reliable , easy to repair , and built quite deliberately for a particular kind of terrain , support system and warfare .
2 ‘ He described quite graphically — to me personally — how he felt with it seeping through the blindfold and beginning to sting and then burn at his eyes so that he was finally forced to open them in order to blink .
3 The architect most commonly associated with this work was George Baines who designed quite a few churches for Baptists .
4 He is probably most famous for his fighter designs during World War Two although personally he was much more interested in small sporting types of which he designed quite a number over the years .
5 It had a number of clauses in it designed quite properly to protect the company , but there was n't one , not one , that was relevant to my private life .
6 The hat becomes limp and shapeless , and most girls tried quite desperately to avoid this mishap .
7 In fact two thousand leaflets were sent out so we actually tried quite hard but we , we did exclude some of the people who should have been leafleted .
8 ‘ There 's been a most frightful accident , ’ she said and Anthony stopped quite still just inside the room .
9 She complained several times to the concierge , but because the elevator behaved quite normally and decently towards the other tenants , the concierge considered Agnes 's quarrel with it her own private matter and paid no attention .
10 The other great semi-Asiatic state on Europe 's eastern frontier , the Ottoman Empire , behaved quite differently .
11 And it looked as if she had been stabbed with a weapon that had a central rib ; the wound gaped quite a bit in the middle .
12 He crumpled quite slowly , the surprise still frozen in his black eyes .
13 According to his owner , who witnessed the spectacle , Jessie rose gracefully toward the ceiling like a space shuttle and , after lingering in mid-air for what seemed an eternity , crashed to the floor and fled the house with a speed and agility the owner found quite amazing .
14 It was a metallic smell that you could somehow taste , which she found quite unpleasant .
15 She found quite a rare one just as she reached the other edge of the wood .
16 Quite by chance he heard that they had another depôt off Mitcham Road , West Croydon and on visiting that found quite a different state of affairs .
17 ‘ The company had a very cosy club atmosphere , which I found quite difficult to cope with in terms of what I saw as a lack of professionalism . ’
18 Mark : I certainly found quite a distinct difference between actually going out looking for sex , which I often associated with going to discos and , on the other hand , just making friendships which happened in a much more natural and less forced way .
19 Dinner consisted of pea soup , which Millie found quite nice — she could taste there had been some kind of pork boiled in the liquid — followed by a meat pudding .
20 Many of the wood carving subjects were taken from book illustrations , particularly after the invention of printing , when books illustrated with woodcuts found quite a large circulation .
21 Mair , for example , in his study of sentencing in West Yorkshire magistrates ' courts found quite small differences between the race groups in sentences , but he did not incorporate committals to the Crown Court for sentence or for trial .
22 And er we , we did erm we , we started making er bench models because we found quite a lot of these had been made in Germany .
23 Lady Francesca was treated as a favoured daughter but Sir Robert was idolised , treated with a deference which I found quite surprising .
24 What was unacceptable and intolerable suddenly — just like that — became acceptable and tolerable , as the Conservative party line turned , with a discipline which I found quite remarkable and which was reminiscent of societies that Conservative Members often dismiss contemptuously .
25 She was calm , her breathing even , she had possibly dozed off at some time , a thought she found quite odd .
26 It struck Edward as a strange , exciting thing , with overtones he found quite horrible .
27 Now to put that into a phrase I found quite difficult to do er and but some people would n't question it but other people would say well what do you mean by that , what you know you plan for the future so that you can retire will be financially independent but it works and you your money work for you .
28 The idea of the lofty Naylor Massingham sitting impatiently outside her apartment block for an hour was one which Leith found quite pleasing — so much so that she almost broke into a smile .
29 Yes , where erm my next neighbour gave me some stuff erm , then I went into her shed cos she had erm , some mice problems so dad went in there to have a look round , seeing the poison were wore off and we found quite a lot of old gardening chu , tools .
30 And he referred quite clearly to the notes someone had taken , information my mother must have given them .
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