Example sentences of "[vb past] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Incentives were announced yesterday which analysts agreed ought to guarantee a very high level of retail demand for the shares .
2 ‘ The potential for what he became must have been in him all the time . ’
3 Anyone who thinks they may have become liable to tax since they registered should tell their bank or building society to cancel the registration as soon as possible .
4 All the information they got should be pooled , the only condition was that each paper was sent to every other paper , and that all could pick up anything they wanted .
5 To decide what was intended , Ulpian says that first the habits of the testator and then the region in which he lived must be considered , but in addition his intention and the status or intimacy of the beneficiary as well as the dispositions adjacent in the will .
6 Both Ian Allan , chairman of AIR , and I have felt for some time that this division was not helpful to the railway movement and it was agreed at the ARPS Council meeting held on 25th April ( which I missed due to the pleasure of attending my secretary 's wedding ) and the AIR Board meeting two days later that we adopt a proposal put forward by David Madden , a member of ARPS Council and director of operations on the North Norfolk Railway , to set up a joint committee to handle affairs of mutual interest , which we agreed should be called in good railway tradition : ‘ The Railway Clearing House ’ .
7 Some similar process in Ursula presumably explained her willingness for the first time to discuss arrangements for the funeral , which they agreed should be held as soon as possible .
8 This dinner they planned must capture the living memory of every lucky guest .
9 With confused feelings , she smiled back , but she found herself staring in what she realised must seem a naïve display of stunned surprise .
10 DP , Stirling Assuming there are no complications you have not mentioned — for example , that the property is still in the name of someone else who left it to you in the first place — then the changes you requested should take weeks rather than months .
11 It was particularly critical of the role played in the scandal by Col. Clyde Walker , head of the self-defence force , whom it recommended should be dismissed , and that of former Minister of Communications and Public Works Vere Bird Jr , son of the Prime Minister , who it recommended be barred from resuming public office .
12 This was reflected in the criteria which the Committee recommended should trigger a labelling declaration .
13 Now by that he meant that the ends sought should be closely defined and should not change and the means adopted should be effective and they should not change and the consequence is that adversaries then move into er er conflict but the conflict itself is self-limiting in the sense that one side will accept defeat er and , and the consequences of victory and clearly these consequences are not so severe to the state as to jeopardise its existence .
14 The deception charged ought to have been that the accused was entitled in law to sell .
15 The words I used may strike you as generous , or too romantic , but they are not inaccurate , merely inadequate .
16 Although schools and teachers I visited may not always have been able to produce copies of the official syllabus , everyone had copies of previous years ' questions and were assiduously preparing children to sit for the current examination .
17 While the institution I visited may not have been entirely ‘ typical ’ — indeed , was in a state with a relatively good record on prisons — the above observations highlight some of the difficult issues facing penal reformers in India .
18 The evidence you found may not on its own be inconsistent with the suicide theory , but just the same , it 's your duty to hand it over and let the police decide if it 's worth following up . ’
19 He is not required to find out who was at fault , though it is possible that the explanation of why an accident occurred may point to errors or shortcomings on the part of particular individuals .
20 Still , in the cooking pot , and enlivened let's say with a dash of Cutty Sark or Christopher 's Finest Old Scotch , I do n't see why it should n't make out pretty well .
21 There is intense speculation that the massive cloud of dust and debris that shot into the upper atmosphere last April when the Mexican volcano , the El Chichon erupted may be to blame .
22 They should remind their opposite numbers that their own parliamentarians — the French , Germans , and Italians — all subscribed to the view that the defence issue to which I referred should not be brought within the European Community .
23 If the clause is the main unit of encoding then we would expect to find that almost all clauses in the speech corpus Beattie analysed should contain pauses , particularly in initial position .
24 In most cases , the environments , climates and conditions they encountered must have been very different from what they had known in Ayrshire .
25 The finance cost should be allocated to accounting periods so as to achieve a constant rate on the amount outstanding .
26 He went on : ‘ The round-table negotiations that we proposed should include the Communist Party , the government and our union , and should agree on a new constitution .
27 On May 28 in a speech to the UNIP national council , Kaunda again criticized the multiparty system as likely to lead to " tribal conflicts " , but promised that there would be a free vote in the nationwide referendum which he proposed should be held on the issue [ see p. 37523 ] .
28 Since the fire at the premises of the defendants was caused by their employee 's negligence , and since it was reasonably foreseeable that firemen would be required to attend the fire and that an explosion of the kind which occurred might result from the fire , the defendants were liable to the plaintiff .
29 Gradually , however , he realized that he could become a detective investigating his own past and that what he gleaned might have a bearing on the present .
30 And he warned that if companies failed to address corporate accountability the market regulation it proposed could be replaced by Government regulation .
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