Example sentences of "[coord] too " in BNC.

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1 I have meant to write to you a hundred times during the last three weeks but at all hours of the day I have been busied with teaching and beating and supervising footballings until when at last after all the animals were caged up and I at last had some peace , I have been too sad & too weary to write anything .
2 It described where the prisoners were held : ; the people of Tazmamert appear to be hardly aware of it or too frightened to talk about it .
3 By being unattractive , or too shy ,
4 Writing letters about yourself is never easy — we tend either to say too much or too little .
5 It is just because whatever one has planned is bound to change as one proceeds that it is fatal to start too soon or too late , though it may be no less fatal , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , to start at the right time , for then there is no excuse , no excuse whatsoever .
6 A project is a project , he wrote , and once it is begun it should be carried through to the end , regardless of doubts about meaning , doubts about long runs , or doubts about anything else , unless the body screams for you to stop , of course one can not go on for long against the screaming of the body , but then that merely means one has miscalculated , it merely means one has begun too soon or too late or perhaps that the entire project was a miscalculation .
7 Too much there or too little ?
8 The fact that there is no right time , he wrote , the fact that it is bound always to be too early or too late , that fact is little consolation .
9 In a moment of youthful inspiration , the day after the funeral , he took one of his father 's bow ties , one reserved for special occasions , and opened up its seams , into which he infiltrated a message — his first poetic utterance , as he told his Spanish biographer , Alberto Manzano — long since forgotten ( or too painful to remember ? ) .
10 too much or too little work
11 In the heart of the vast city , Daddy again , his brown eyes bright , you could see his sparse hair growing down by the minute into the Hippie pigtail he 'd been too young or too old and always too respectable to wear …
12 Marmeladov 's huge notebook gesture towards Christ and the Russian people and suffering constitutes one warning that Dostoevsky was , at one stage , after something too big or too difficult or perhaps simply wrong for Crime and Punishment ; and Sonya 's declaration , again in the notebooks , makes a second : ‘ The Russian people have always suffered like Christ , says Sonya . ’
13 Alarm messages appear on the screen if the chase car gets too close to , or too far from , the lead car .
14 And within six years , wanting to register ( in The Criter - ion for 1934 ) the distinction of Binyon 's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order , Pound found himself in the same situation , having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them :
15 He has said that the £15m on offer was either too little or too much — too little to pacify the bankers if Eagle was in trouble but if the group could be turned around a recapitalisation would not be needed .
16 If a problem becomes too complex , or too costly in this context , it is simply declared ‘ off budget ’ , much as the Bush administration declared the $100bn bailout of the savings and loan industry ‘ off budget ’ .
17 Perhaps those who know the truth will be too lazy or too diffident or too poor to publish while whose who believe in error will be so rich , or well organized , or self-confident that they will control the presses and the television studios and dominate the ‘ free market in ideas ’ .
18 Perhaps those who know the truth will be too lazy or too diffident or too poor to publish while whose who believe in error will be so rich , or well organized , or self-confident that they will control the presses and the television studios and dominate the ‘ free market in ideas ’ .
19 None of them made a special selection of materials suitable for the peasantry , so the few books that were dispatched were often too dry or too expensive .
20 If you are the sort of band that wants an arts council grant , then you are probably too special or too precious to conform to the limits set by ‘ popular ’ taste .
21 He attacked contemporary literature 's taste for which all things were either too hot or too cold , and complained that it contained no culture .
22 Groups like the NL , the TRL , and the ASU were , in the end , either too loyal to or too dependent upon the Conservative party to break away .
23 She did not want to appear either too eager or too casual .
24 • With regard to thermal comfort ( whether we think our environment is too hot or too cold ) , a particular room temperature might make us feel cold and even shiver in the morning but in the evening the same room temperature will sometimes feel hot and stuffy .
25 Thus a stream of pulses lasting 1 second each and given at 10 second intervals could be the ‘ background ’ ( they could be sound pulses or pulses on a screen , for example ) ; the ‘ signal ’ being sought could be the absence of a pulse , one that was shorter or longer than the standard value or one that appeared too soon or too late .
26 It is unfortunate that the space enclosed by the 1862 building , together with its 1922 extension , was too small or too lacking in services provision to offer a convenient corner for installation of the new bathroom and WC .
27 If they were , the world would simply be divided into a majority of believing Christians and a small handful of people who were either too stupid or too wicked to accept something which was obvious and clear-cut .
28 Most of the friends were too old or too physically enfeebled to be capable of offering themselves for military glory .
29 Whenever she accompanied him , whether to a glossy film premiére or a major speech , they reported on the clothes she was wearing , the hairstyle , the hat , the jewellery , whether she looked well , or strained or too thin .
30 But Prince is either too frivolous or too religious for his flighty fancies to be pinned down to this discourse of responsibility and constructive intervention .
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