Example sentences of "[coord] never " in BNC.

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1 — I remember , & never shall forget , my father 's face as he looked upon me while I lay in the servant 's arms — so calm , and the tears stealing down his face : for I was the child of his old age .
2 Sense that this is now or never time , he wrote .
3 Its now or never , thrummed her jukebox memory , unbidden .
4 And yet what does it mean to understand the formulations of someone for whom , on the face of it , final understanding is impossible , or never to be fully achieved ?
5 The Holy Roman Empire , of Charlemagne , of the Ottonian emperors , through to the Hohenstaufens , was to be seen in all seriousness as the legitimate heir of ‘ the Augustan peace ’ : a dispensation which , though seldom or never actualized through the last five centuries , must be held in mind as the one and only imaginable harmonizing of Church and State , of religion and politics , at least throughout Europe .
6 By 11 , the majority of children were hit less than once a month or never .
7 Never met or never parted
8 Its effects can vary from never looking a man in the eye or never arguing with a man , to wearing a Burkha .
9 But jokes about women drivers ( always told by men ) are about hanging a handbag on the pulled-out choke or never being able to use the rear-view mirror because it 's always positioned for make-up repairs .
10 I want to ask you only one question : do you want to stay together in your next life , or never meet again ? ’
11 as if she were putting the same reel of film back in the projector , she ran through the whole scene once again : she is speaking to the visitor , Paul is watching them with astonishment , and the guest is saying : ‘ In your next life , do you want to stay together or never meet again ? ’
12 It was now or never .
13 Similarly , whereas over half of the sample ( 57 per cent ) admitted to always or mostly continuing to drink even when they knew they were intoxicated , at the end of the course 60 per cent said this rarely or never occurred .
14 Despite the fact that regular maintenance was a statutory requirement and despite some successful legal actions to enforce the statutory provisions , regular dredging and attention to leaks were perfunctory or never carried out at all by canal companies owned by the railways .
15 All too often records of women , whether mistress of the house or maid servant , are lost or never existed in the first place .
16 Children also have to acquire forms of written language which are rarely or never used in spoken English , since written language is not just spoken language written down .
17 A bricoleur was a handyman who , by using bits of machinery or equipment , the original purpose of which had been forgotten or never known , was able to solve immediate mechanical problems .
18 With further government setbacks in by-elections in Bradford and Bootle on 8 November , there was a strong feeling that Heseltine 's reputation would be irreparably damaged if he did not stand : it was now or never .
19 All I can say is , I think they must never have spent a night in The Bar if they think that , or never a good night .
20 Does lazy , for example , mean the person arrives late every day , or takes an excessive lunch break , or never volunteers for anything , or lies about with his eyes closed half the time ?
21 In order to encourage your child to act in a way in which he has seldom or never before behaved , take your child through mini-steps towards a goal by rewarding any action that approximates the behaviour you want .
22 Acquiesce or never explicitly agree with the other person .
23 He desperately wanted to rest , but it was now or never .
24 Those with experience stress how important it is that the carer and the dependant should not become indispensable to each other or never spend time apart .
25 The survey showed that people fall into three different categories of countryside use : the young professionals , often with two cars , who visit regularly ; the middle-income clerical and skilled manual workers who visit occasionally ; and the unskilled , unemployed or elderly who rarely , or never , visit .
26 Breasts may be more sensuous than bottoms for people who either experienced great satisfaction at their mother 's breast or never had enough of it .
27 The inherent danger of reliance on any particular method , and one that was apparent in some responses , is the tendency for libraries who can not utilize external courses or release staff internally as they would ideally like to , largely to abandon ( or never fully entertain ) , the concept of systematic training for all staff .
28 This is a relationship that always carries more seeds of hope in it than many others that break down ( or never get started on the right foot ) .
29 There 's at least one track from all eight albums , and two tracks are from a live album , so I gave it to a wonderful guy called Jonathan Downs from the Fan Club , who knows an awful lot that I 'd forgotten myself , or never even knew !
30 Which emotions do you rarely or never express ?
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