Example sentences of "[art] because " in BNC.

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1 We presented both types of sentence in two parts and asked people to judge as quickly as possible whether the because clause was a sensible continuation of the main clause .
2 The because clauses that required the more complex inferences were , in general , longer than those that required simple inferences , so the combined reading and judgement times were longer overall for these sentences .
3 For example , congruity with the bias decreased the time to make positive judgements — that the because clause was a sensible continuation of the sentence — by over 300 ms for the simple inference materials ( 1667 versus 1998 ms ) , but had no effect for the complex inference materials ( 2117 versus 2105 ms )
4 Well it 's very difficult to say what the because presumably the character of the paddock would have changed and the character of the conservation area likewise and it may well be that the use of that site would n't be a paddock .
5 Er there 's another book which is similar to the other one in the sense that it made up of some papers by Phillips , Steel and Tants and that has some information about Mexicano in it , er and you find that some people er were giving Mexican language a low a low prestige rate whereas other group in the community were doing the opposite and giving a high prestige rate or certainly a less low one , er in favour of spanish a lot of the Because it was in I think it 's in South America I guess , er you find that a lot of the locals were switching to spanish because it was coming the dominant language er because of societal pressures and constraints and so on .
6 But I would not see it as when you 're looking along the because that 's the first way you 're taught it .
7 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
8 We did , however , feel it was necessary to go and look at the because we are very aware of , of , of the lighting that affects those properties who 've been very patient with the amount of development that 's gone on there .
9 I just hope that they are n't completely lost and in particular I 'd just mention the because it 's being increasingly used and will be as the bypass comes in into use because access will be restricted to the , the erm roundabout .
10 That 's all the current is , and the reason that we talk in terms of currents is because those are the because the major methods that are used to analyze channel activity are electrophysiological ones .
11 Erm she 's doing numeracy power with them at the moment before she gets on to the because I believe she 's got to sort out some programs for as yet .
12 Right so we , we , we also need a new land reform document , because we ca n't use the because egalitarianism we 've , we 've recognized from the experience of the north is wrong , that 's not gon na work so we need something else .
13 But I think it 's time , I think we both agree that the time er well used because it 's for the because your Lordship will have a better understanding of the evidence when the plaintiff and the defendant give it from the witness box .
14 Oh , they just do the two hundred pounds and then these people add forty five per cent in on the the because
15 Because of because of the because of the erm er ups and downs that 's all .
16 This and that that thing now the because we are not supposed to iron them too much .
17 Why they , dad , dad , why they posh in the because that
18 but then again since , up , up until the mid forties we had nothing to fear from the because they , they did n't have much of an army themselves , they had millions and millions of men but no resources or facilities to build it
19 Would n't take you out of the because he 'd go up there .
20 Er but when they changed the room round I moved to the because and I became a director of the for a while fo three f four years something like that .
21 I have done mine , erm , I will send one of these round , but the majority of them I feel are so very small that I do n't feel that we need to discuss filling in the because I know the intention was that we sent the document well in advance of what 's being done otherwise we are just going to get bogged down in er , this meeting in terms of all of the decisions .
22 I 've talked about miocenia gravis ; there is it 's rarer cousin , the syndrome , which sometimes associates with carcinoma of the lung , and we have shown that this too is an auto-immune disease in which the lung cancer seems to precipitate the immune system into making an antibody against it , the tumour , and the because the tumour has on its surface the same thing as the nerve terminal , the antibody also binds to the nerve terminal and causes trouble there .
23 In a because sentence , the reason is expressed by using a phrase which refers to the agent 's desire or aim ( e.g. , wanted to ) , whereas in a so sentence the reason is expressed by using a modal construction ( e.g. , would ) , which refers to the predicted result of the action .
24 it 's a a horn then bassoon solo , and it it 's a most worrying opening for er a because it is
25 A because the work has n't been done What I 'm trying to do is er to say give a balanced approach which seems to me to reflect the County Council 's view that er you really ca n't do it on the basis of a a a quick subjective assessment , it really needs to be the result of a l of a detailed body of work .
26 A because we have n't got that much time and B because the little bit more pressure you 're under the more likely likely to leave certain things out so maybe you 've got the point .
27 Cos he did n't think that was a because Steven was disabled and that as well and on my money and one thing and another
28 what , have a because we 're going to another chap had said are you sure I 've ordered this milk and it was this young man who 's serving you see , and so , the , the more senior librarian she says she said it reminds me of interesting reading , was about erm , it was a very sort , it was , it was an but it was about architecture of , of Italy , you see , it was quite a detailed thing , you know really good detail
29 he 's quite a because
30 Swindon 's Conservative MP says he 's feeling got a because planners on the local council have discovered his new garden fence does n't have planning permission .
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