Example sentences of "[prep] her " in BNC.

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1 She had played a lot of Shaw including Candida ; and created Ellie Dunn in Heartbreak House , named after her by Shaw .
2 ‘ Quick , quick , after her somebody , ’ Arabella Buckley shouted , her prejudice in favour of foreign murderers seemingly suddenly abandoned .
3 Something in her face , in her eyes , in the clenched line of her jaw , had made him hurry out of the tent after her .
4 ‘ Oh yes , I remember : she had him panting after her all right ! ’
5 Harriet had gone straight into property after her A's and left home , funnily enough , before she did .
6 ‘ Hey , what about my bomb ? ’ she shouts after her .
7 Steffi Graf never makes excuses , never — its her most famous trademark after her forehand !
8 Look after her like this and she is a sweet tempered old soul .
9 I enjoy reading her letters , and the way she describes the scenes , the weather , and the local gossip in Lochaber , especially after her very rare visits to Spean Bridge .
10 Mark leapt in after her shouting commands and trying to cajole her back to shore , but she was n't listening .
11 There 's a woman just up the road so I hop off the wall and run after her .
12 I run after her , bumping against people in my rush .
13 The inspector accompanied her to the door and closed it carefully after her .
14 He seems over-concerned about what people think of them , to lust after her but not deeply love her .
15 She sensed that the boy remained standing motionless , gazing after her .
16 Father was not visible , but the woman 's gesture indicated that he was standing in the doorway of the villa , gazing after her .
17 He had to go after her .
18 He gathered these up and sprinted after her .
19 So that 's why they 've named the new wing after her .
20 Did she not understand that I would look after her , that 1 would see to it that she was safe and well ?
21 Again , although I visited her regularly , taking little presents ; remembered her birthday and saw to it that her sons did the same ; looked after her once when she was ill ; and respected my husband 's love for her , I did not take much notice of her suggestions : ‘ My mother seems to think …
22 Gazzer came hobbling after her : he had cramp in one of his legs .
23 I was shouting and screaming for help and at the same time taking off my coat and wellingtons , preparing to jump in after her .
24 I know not to expect her to react in the way other dogs do , and she knows that I will look after her and she does n't have to be quite so independent .
25 Trotting after her , Frankie automatically rubbed his hand on his trousers before daring to reach for the gloved hand she offered .
26 By now he was used to spending longer and longer periods alone , yet in that moment when she walked away he always experienced a brief sense of loss that made him want to rush after her and beg her not to go .
27 But no , that was not true , she would not go , for she herself would gladly look after her .
28 I can look after her , Dorothea thought , and we will do the garden together , I shall take on a new lease of life .
29 And so , she said , ‘ You seem to have been busy this morning , Isabel , ’ but absently remembering the bumping noises from above and the journeys her sister had made to the front sitting room ( locking the door after her ) and back again to the attic ( locking the door ) .
30 Nobody can do anything , Doctor Sparrow does not answer , he refuses to listen , he gave me no reassurance , but I know , I know that I am seriously ill and there is no one here except my mother , and who is to look after her , Dorothea ?
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