Example sentences of "[prep] say " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I half-killed a man for sayin' that once tae me , ’ replied Tam , abashed .
2 It 's it 's if you think about say you 're playing football .
3 If memory serves me correct , there were about say four hundred dwellings .
4 ‘ Dad , ’ he says to Phil , ‘ if one side had hydrogen bombs and the other side did n't , but they had about say a trillion ordinary bombs , well , which side would win ? ’
5 Now on that twenty feet long , now I 'm up about say , you can say anything like about fifteen feet up in the in the air , might be less than that and then you got twenty feet up like that , well then there used to be wire and used to have a big wheel in top , which you could n't go over the top and with a wire , then I used to have a sling chain , my main hook and that was thirteen foot long and you take th that and on , on working on top of the lorry , see you got to be so careful and there 's men working on that lorry as well , course I broke the wheel .
6 Well I would say it 's , yes , better , cos mean with th with th these erm containers you see now I mean , we had about say ten years ago we had a man here he used to deal with the all general cargo , all loose cargo from Beirut and all the Mediterranean ports but course now you got the trouble there now that 's a , that 's a cargo that 's , what 's fell away .
7 Freud talks about the ego as an agency , a psychological agency , just as we would talk about say er a social agency .
8 In other words , instead of almost doubling year by year , last we are about the same , we have n't got all the confirmations , we 're about the same as we were the year before , give or take a few , about say five percent .
9 And this part of the graph , in there I mean that would n't start showing until we get beyond about say twentyish .
10 I think if I was about say Professor Lock that if I twelve was dispensed with you might notice a difference in terms of the application of I five .
11 Right and if you take E as about say ten seconds
12 But there 's another another use of metals erm two sticks about say about one 's made of wood and one 's made of copper .
13 Did you hear about say
14 it does n't look up to about say the middle of the trees
15 Finance company personal loan Rather like bank personal loan , for say £300 to £3,000 , but often not specifying a particular purchase and arranged by post ( or through ‘ money shop ’ ) with finance company ; interest rate usually fixed at start .
16 It is directory driven so users can customise their network , setting up separate directories for say AutoCAD files and Catia files .
17 Erm sixty six percent of people believe that the people you vote for say they 'll do things for you but once they 're in they forget what they 've said .
18 Check the section on Reading effectively , and also remember the idea of having a debate on a chosen topic for say half an hour once a week so that you can use your voice and express your ideas and opinions .
19 is to actually give you another note for the moment for say
20 If we 'd a carried it on for say this time of the year now you with this erm Whitsun Holiday now , we 'd have had to do it seven days a week , cos you 'd have to be there Saturday and Sunday to stop anything going in there .
21 For example , an investor might sell for 100p per share one week and if he or she has been proven correct in their expectations may buy the share for say 80p each the following week , thus netting a profit per share of 20p before transactions costs .
22 And we know there are various er responses to that question , and I would be looking to the districts to say whether or not they could cope with the various levels of provision that have been identified for Greater York , and it 's the view of whether they can cope within their own districts , I have n't said how you can cope , I said whether you can cope , you might I will I will leave you free to make the odd comment , but I want to focus on that part of the issue , and then the natural corollary to that is , will it be necessary , or is it considered necessary in the context of this alteration to provide specific guidance within H One policy for the distribution of that er development to er at sub , what I would call sub-district level , in other words do you want a specific entry for say Ryedale or Hambledon ?
23 If we think , if we assume there 's a , a world , a world market for say , wheat , right .
24 Now , if you contrast that with the protectionist case , we say , virtually in the whole of western Europe , Japan , erm , to a lesser extent America , but the main consuming areas for say a commodity like wheat right , they 're all self sufficient .
25 Yeah , so we have made our telephone call , we 've made an appointment for say seven o'clock in the evening .
26 Of course , it 's quite right , and it 's it 's in a sense maybe reasonable to oppose a budget , but in the past , I think it 's been erm , one of the strengths of the labour group , when in opposition to put alternative budgets in for say , yes , we take a view that 's different to the budget that 's before us , but so far with two conservative speakers , we 've not had the benefit of knowing which items , which levels of of spending within this policy committee , be it the Chief Exec .
27 So you 're like a erm like a booklet or something like that that they want to present er for say the clients are you with me ?
28 I 'm also looking forward to seeing a copy of the election manifesto on which he fights those elections and er er how it will be possible for the Conservative party to er put forward a manifesto that he is comfortable with and also a manifest that the honourable member for say Old Bexley and Sidcup is similarly comfortable with but er no doubt that 's a matter for the Conservative party .
29 So erm on that basis if , if , if we say that er that , that you 're looking for say thirty thirty thousand a year you 're looking at three hundred , four hundred and fifty thousand say four hundred thousand life cover .
30 See Friday , I can work Saturday morning , play rugby then pick you up or , I can do work Saturday morning play rugby just Saturday afternoon pick you up Sunday morning and stay for say , Sunday , a couple of hours on Sunday .
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