Example sentences of "[noun sg] say " in BNC.

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1 Not heard an American or Canadian say that .
2 Most of the birds were pairs , and staff at the sanctuary say it 's devastated the centre 's breeding programme .
3 Most of the birds were pairs , and staff at the sanctuary say it 's devastated the centre 's breeding programme .
4 Regarding the possible capital value of quota , Mr Mitchell commented : ‘ All the banks and the Department of Agriculture say that there is no capital value attached to quota but the message of today is that they are wrong . ’
5 and then gradually they would give you a wee bit say maybe the legs or something to do a er polish you know show you how to start you know , how to rubber and how to fold your the cotton wool .
6 I tell you what it was , it was Samsung , if you 've a little bit of tape and you end at beginning and you want it , well say you wanted to tape to test a little bit say off telly or
7 New rule will lead to chaos say clubs
8 Many vitamin companies , health food shop owners , and writers on nutrition say yes .
9 The replies can however be used against you if you in the trial say something which is inconsistent with what you said in the section 2 interview .
10 The Government says it 's been a great success — those living close to its route say its ruined their lives .
11 But hotels and garages along the route say that if the bridge is n't repaired soon , many of them will go out of business .
12 I say minimal both because it is rather modest , in contrast say to Jakobson 's , and because it seems to present a demand that it should be very difficult for modern literary studies to deny : that in describing the language of literary texts a degree of rigour is required such as has been notably absent from the work of a great many critics .
13 The girls who sign up for fashion 's survival course say they could n't imagine life on the other side of the camera .
14 Why should the working-class housewife say she ‘ likes ’ or ‘ does n't mind ’ housework — why should this be the typical response ?
15 The Food Safety Directorate say that all packets of cling film should carry health warnings .
16 The reports on ceefax say that he requested the move .
17 The Buid say that the growth and well-being of their crops and children derive from the spirits of the earth .
18 The families of five young people who were killed by a reckless driver say they 're outraged over a decision to reduce his prison sentence .
19 We are coming to an end , let me remind you that er of this particular hundred , sixty three of whom have the use of a car , fifty seven have been involved in an accident , fifty seven and I 'm sure it ca n't be a , er it must be a coincidence say their personalities change behind the driving wheel
20 Those in the know say that ‘ vibe ’ was a hippy term that disappeared in Dublin during the punk purges but resurfaced in the late Eighties when a town bathing in the warm glow of U2 's global ascendancy rediscovered its ( hippy ? ) roots .
21 Those in the know say that unless he drops the square fringe and lets his locks grow he 'll never get to pop the bubbly .
22 People in the know say that the animal kingdom is cruel .
23 When he has tovarisch say , ‘ Nothing I build ’ , this is to be understood not allegorically but literally : working of stone , either architecturally or sculpturally , was for Pound the register of culture — a conviction which he shared in his lifetime with few except the British art-critic whom he knew and esteemed , Adrian Stokes .
24 Sporting names from past and present say there 's been no-one else to match the magic of Stan .
25 But workers against racism say a former prison is the wrong place .
26 Special Branch say MI5 think it would be for the best if Hampton was taken off this Mills murder case . ’
27 The only point I felt w you know we mentioned the other day that if , if there 's a rise say on the first of April then you wan na get in a couple of months before then .
28 The er , yes the er panel we , we discussed this and we , the appendix say , actually shows the current level of service being provided in ninety two three , which forms the minimum of the ceiling of the three point nine million .
29 Selectors dropped a clanger say Test stars
30 The Ministry of Defence say they 'll help anyone who asks for help …
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