Example sentences of "[noun sg] came " in BNC.

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61 When a sympathetic ex-boyfriend came along , she allowed herself to be seduced by him .
62 When I called him out for it , Fest came between us .
63 To administer and collect income tax a new arm of administration had to be created comprising experts , officials and clerks : an " army " which in terms of its efficiency and rapacity came to be the equal of the long-esteemed Excise .
64 So a lawyer came , and of course I had my own office , confidential stuff , so he wanted to give it to me .
65 The Valencia trainer came on to the pitch and was ushered back towards the tunnel by Fernando Giner , a home defender .
66 The Australian trainer came on with a bucket of water to try to revive the apparently comatose Fulton .
67 This screening came at about midnight , after a traditional Elizabethan dinner and free drinks , with an 8.30am departure due the following day .
68 By the time he had staggered into the yard he could hardly stand up , hitting the ancient , mossy mounting block and tripping over one of the green tubs filled with white geraniums , as Little Chef came bounding out to lick him on the nose .
69 The trees and undergrowth came almost up to the house .
70 Overseas aid came in from many quarters ( including South Africa ) ; the landlocked Zambians brought in health officials from all their neighbours to try to limit the spread of the disease , which nevertheless struck Malawi .
71 The main thrust for use of videos as an aid came from the three Welsh areas — just under three-quarters seeing it as an aid that could improve training .
72 Three-quarters of this aid came from the United States .
73 One day an elderly lady with a hearing aid came in and I was doing her hair , chatting away and making her laugh , and I cut right through the wire !
74 No aid came .
75 But aid came from an unlikely quarter .
76 Water Aid came in , do n't do that , and installed a pipeline .
77 The first official and public indication that the Soviet Union was seeking large-scale Western aid came at a press conference between Gorbachev and Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti on May 22 , when Gorbachev made plain his desire to attend the July G-7 meeting .
78 Newent ambulance station stopped providing nightime cover last March , so the ambulance which went to Mr Pollard 's aid came from Cinderford , ten miles away .
79 Food lay like clods of clay in his stomach and it rained , but he was supported by a sense of majesty in ideas and even in himself for having them , though this latter maintenance came and went .
80 As he watched , the first few flakes of snow came swirling down .
81 After the snow came the rain .
82 Nicholson wondered , if the snow came , what he could expect this time .
83 He was soon helped by Madra and Isay , and the trio worked with a will in the growing twilight as the snow came down more thickly and visibility worsened .
84 According to the author , the princess 's lowest ebb came with the publication earlier this year of the so-called Dianagate tape — allegedly the recording of an intimate telephone conversation with her longtime friend James Gilbey .
85 According to the author , the Princess 's lowest ebb came with the publication earlier this year of the so-called Dianagate tape allegedly the recording of an intimate telephone conversation between the Princess and her long-time friend , James Gilbey .
86 The allegation came on the third day of an insurance fraud trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court .
87 She was not in his class as far as taunting came , and readily admitted it .
88 SPLASH came down to view Europe 's best after the European Championships at Warrington .
89 It was n't me , ’ this chant came automatically into her head .
90 Examples of the former — recombining existing elements — would be the way this eclecticism in 1960s rock came into being in the first place , formed as it was from disparate sources , including many elements from bourgeois ‘ art music ’ ; or the way rhythmic techniques derived from working-class black American music were combined with other elements in 1920s dance music to signify a kind of safe but exotic , hedonist escapism for a broad grouping of classes in Britain .
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