Example sentences of "[noun sg] should " in BNC.

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1 Integrated System Development is now available for pilot and beta test ; another update should be ready by the end of the year .
2 Any enquiries regarding the statistics given in the Update should be directed to .
3 If the polys are indeed achieving the parity of esteem they have long sought , their graduates ' relative position during the next recession should prove better than it was during the early 1980s .
4 Politicians who pretend there is n't any recession should look at the fashion pages — hemlines are falling faster than the Dow Jones index .
5 That the country would be lifted from recession should Neil Kinnock step aside in my favour counts for nothing .
6 His contention is that much of the slump in mainframe revenues has been mis-attributed to downsizing mania whereas the recession should take of the blame — delay in large capital projects gives the impression that mainframes are in more trouble then they actually are , he suggests .
7 Closing Bonar Carelle in Dundee will save £700,000 a year , restructuring in North America should start to pay dividends , and the recession should soon be ending .
8 The proposal does not refer to sponsorship as such , but it does state , in convoluted Euro-language , that ‘ a ban should therefore be imposed on such indirect forms of advertising which while not actually mentioning the tobacco product , use trade marks , emblems , symbols or other distinctive elements associated with tobacco products …
9 A number argued that an outright ban should be introduced on the holding of client money by sole practitioners .
10 The UK government argued that the ban should continue until : i ) there was " rock-solid " evidence of population recoveries ; ii ) a reliable catch-monitoring system was in place ; and iii ) more humane methods of killing whales had been devised .
11 The company involved claims it has an import licence to prove that the wood was already dead when it was bought , so the import ban should n't apply in this case .
12 If the house is already in the joint names of the husband and the wife , then such tenancy , if held as beneficial joint tenants , should be severed and a memorandum of severance should be endorsed on the conveyance to the husband and wife ( see Precedent 51 ) .
13 A suitable satellite in high orbit should do it nicely .
14 That is why the slogan should really be ‘ narrower share ownership ’ .
15 The programme 's drafting commission voted 7 to 2 for the proposition that the national question could be solved only by socialist revolution and that the party slogan should not be new frontiers , but the abolition of all frontiers .
16 I ca n't see why the ordinary housewife should n't do it . ’
17 Remembering that I am not defining housewife as a woman dancing attendance on a healthy but indolent male but as a person looking after babies and others who need looking after , what do feminists think the housewife should live on ?
18 It is possible for some urethral discharge from the penis to be transferred to the seat if the male is sitting down ; and if a second male should accidentally touch the same part of the seat soon afterwards with his penis , then infection could be acquired .
19 The law said that every first-born male should be consecrated to God .
20 He argued that reference to a male should precede any reference to a woman , again reflecting the order of nature .
21 The Criminal Law Revision Committee revealed its own view of the matter by firmly rejecting this proposal and recommending instead that the maximum penalty for non-consensual buggery of a male should be increased .
22 For example , the modern female hostage who falls in love with her captor may not merely be manifesting the well-known defence of ‘ identification with the aggressor ’ ( particularly since it is not so much identification with him as submission to him ) , she may instead be giving way to her phylogenetic id and its demand that a female captured by a male should look to him for sexual satisfaction .
23 In the end he judged that the investment of hope should be made : that they would fight for the calf 's life and risk disappointment .
24 Still , even after thousands of years hope should not be lost : nor relied on .
25 Regular relaxation and meditation should become part of our lives , especially if we live far from nature in a fuzz of constant activity , forever striving to meet deadlines .
26 Meditation should ideally be practised for fifteen to twenty minutes daily , preferably first thing in the morning .
27 I do not feel that any harm will come to those people who experience spontaneous regression in such a way , as any group involved in the higher levels of meditation should be under the control of a qualified and experienced teacher or leader who will be on hand to control the situation and to help should the pupil find himself in emotional difficulty .
28 As one of the trustee members explains , ‘ He 's the godfather of the school that believes nutrition should target the population as a whole , not just those who are at risk ’ .
29 The terrible attack on a taxi driver in St. Mary 's primary school yard today , which also affected the school children within that area , must be condemned and sympathy should be expressed to everyone who has been affected by this terrible act .
30 No drain should pass under a building , but where this is unavoidable it must be specially protected by encasing in concrete and supported against settlement where it passes through a wall or foundation .
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