Example sentences of "[noun sg] than " in BNC.

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1 The 1990 winners , Credit Suisse First Boston ( Men ) and Bank of England ( Ladies ) , both seeded one this year , are joined by new entrants , Sainsburys and Midland Bank , in what is proving to be an even keener contest than last year .
2 A much closer contest than the scoreline suggests was effectively settled during two crucial first half minutes when Sheron , City 's unheralded striker , made two crucial interventions — one in each goalmouth .
3 And as if one needed reminding that there 's more to this year 's contest than Karaoke , four of the 11 acts competing were to provide their own original accompaniment .
4 Three of the Länder have a larger electorate than Lower Saxony — in North Rhine-Westphalia it is more than twice as large — and consequently more MdBs and longer party lists .
5 This is the main purpose of this last part of Losing Out , and the proposals are broached in such a way as to appeal to a wider section of the electorate than the underclass alone .
6 In my view it is clear that the party is very much in search of a leader , very anxious , if it is to make an adequate showing at the next general election , over the fact that it needs a symbol of more meaning to the mass electorate than Mr Attlee .
7 It is true that the government used all the influence it could to secure the return of loyal members , and the purges of borough corporations at the end of Charles II 's reign certainly had an electoral impact , but the election of such a loyal Parliament appears to have been more the result of a genuine reaction against the Whigs amongst the electorate than it was of Court manipulation .
8 First I believe if we are going to seek a broader approach to the problems of law and order , I feel we need a broader electorate than the existing members of a police authority .
9 It is , however , equally good in scale passages , legato , and staccato , in wide leaps , in rapid changes from p to f and it is capable of more varied and more subtle tonal nuance than is any other wind instrument .
10 As a woodwork teacher for many years I consider this design to be dangerous because power drills run at a much higher speed than a brace and consequently the feed is too fast for accurate control .
11 Indeed , it has been said that the north-west of Scotland has a higher sustained wind speed than any other inhabited part of the world ( Gloyne 1968 ) .
12 What was needed was a new system of dégorgement , able to cope with far greater capacity levels at a significantly higher speed than the traditional à la volèe process .
13 There were other reasons for insecurity , too : no matter how much material prosperity had come a family 's way , there was still every chance that illness or a premature death might send them all back down a snake at a much faster speed than they had been able to climb up a ladder .
14 ‘ He 's not as aggressive as he might be but that could come , and he has more skill and speed than someone like John Fashanu , who plays an intimidating game .
15 ‘ And that one ‘ undred was only because the grahnd sloped like the north face of Iverest of ‘ e ‘ ad only to tap the ball and it got up faster speed than any fielder . ’
16 The comparisons in the Allegro giocoso finale are also fascinating , when Thea King at a slightly slower speed than either Johnson or Collins finds a more relaxed manner for the haunting main theme with its trotting rhythms .
17 It is more a battle of style and speed than of brawn or luck .
18 It is therefore safe for a fire-engine driver to proceed at a higher speed than would be possible for other drivers .
19 Surely someone moving toward the light ought to measure it traveling at a higher speed than someone moving in the same direction as the light ; yet the experiment showed that both observers would measure exactly the same speed .
20 He can not claim on the one hand to be at the heart of Europe and at the same time want to be on the periphery of Europe and seem to want us to go at a slower speed than anyone else .
21 The major advantage of this type of course is the flexibility it offers to the student who wants to improve his/her English in specific areas at greater speed than would be possible on a group course .
22 Producing films at that level requires a stronger nerve than British producers have generally shown .
23 Cunninghame Graham was , however , correct in observing that the expedition against the Awok ‘ really called for greater nerve than that against the Tulas , which ended in a fight ’ ; and this , as Hastings himself seemed to recognize in recalling first and foremost his ‘ colossal cheek ’ , was surely the point of it all .
24 ‘ The press was more a paper soldier than an anti-war , anti-government crusade . ’
25 Horne had liked him but Ralph Whitton had always been jealous of Bartholomew for being a better soldier than he .
26 Consequently an MdB is much less harassed by routine constituency casework than is a conscientious MP .
27 The costs of the increased number of endoscopies after sclerotherapy ( £235 ) are lessl than 10% of those associated with surgery .
28 It was supposed to be a paragon of democracy in an Arab world more familiar with dictatorship than freedom .
29 Thus , when his secretary of the treasury ventured on one occasion to suggest that colonial rule was more efficient than the successor regimes in the newly independent states , the president brusquely retorted that it was his " personal conviction that almost any one of the newborn states of the world would far rather embrace Communism or any other form of dictatorship than accept the political domination of another government even though that brought to each citizen a far higher standard of living " .
30 Now I believe that you test the liberal democracy , not by the ease with which majorities get their way but on the extent to which you accommodate the views of committed minorities and we 've lived so long with majority rule , masquerading as democracy , that we 've forgotten that that is more akin to dictatorship than anything else .
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