Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Jesus was not executed by the Jewish Sanhedrin -which could , with permission , stone to death a man who had trespassed against Judaic law — but by the Roman administration .
2 A bladder which is frequently emptied does not expand to its full capacity and needs gentle stretching to bring this about .
3 This is where the bladder which controls the fish 's position in the water inflates and then can not deflate .
4 One third of the failures are caused by the development of an afunctional gall bladder which precludes the dissolution of the remaining small fragments .
5 The early recurrences may be the result of incomplete clearance of the gall bladder which is not detected by radiological examination .
6 In the same year the Church of England led the way out of a moral impasse which trapped the Catholic Church by giving birth control its blessing under the name of Family Planning .
7 SIR Ron Brierley yesterday reassured shareholders in GPG , the investment vehicle where he is chairman , that ‘ we are doing everything in our power ’ to solve the impasse which has frozen London trading in the shares for 15 months .
8 It is this impasse which has led Robert Paul Wolff , for one , to conclude that the only kind of society in which freedom , or moral autonomy , of every individual is preserved is , in fact , one without government , an anarchist society .
9 On Nov. 16 Vellayati restated his proposal of Sept. 30 in more specific form in order " to help break the present artificial impasse which benefits no-one " .
10 Radiance Strathdee , the author of research carried out for Centrepoint , said this was not enough : ‘ There is a need for the government to get round the table with local authorities , not to lay down guidance , but to look at strategies to set about moving the impasse which exists ’ .
11 Standing still he was aware of a , near or far , faint humming which he decided must be the sound of traffic in Victoria Street .
12 In summer the headland would vibrate with a gentle rhythmic humming which , on stormy nights or at the spring tides would rise to an angry moan .
13 D'Arcy 's aircraft had nosed cautiously down through the dense , sluggish cloudcover which had kept the lid firmly on the sultry atmosphere of the city for the past week .
14 The reality that there are rights of ownership and that they are liable to , and do , conflict with those of labour can not be exorcised by pretending that they are not there ; and it is the exclusion of the public sector from the Committee 's purview which admits that reality .
15 It is a completely random distribution , within limits , about a mean which sounds and looks like the snow-like flurries on television screens when there is no input .
16 ‘ I myself can not even begin to imagine by what mental process an educated and rational man of some sensibility moves from the reputed subtleties of Keynsian economics ( the process which has , apparently , saved the capitalist system from the collapse which would in turn have provoked a revolution ) to the blatant crudities of contemplating intercourse with a mindless whore .
17 If anyone were to ask me who , above all , was responsible for the moral collapse which characterised the 1960s and 1970s , I would unhesitatingly name Sir Hugh Carleton-Greene … .
18 As things turned out , the seventeenth century saw a total collapse which left both Newbury and Reading only the remnants of their former trade .
19 Nor did England ever approach the state of social and political collapse which France faced after Poitiers .
20 At the beginning of August when the heat , humidity and despair reached their zenith in the Residency , when all eyes searched the Collector 's face for the signs of collapse which they knew to be imminent , two babies were born .
21 This can be defined as a state of circulatory collapse which leads to low arterial blood pressure and oxygen shortage in the tissues .
22 It is the intention to include damage due to explosion and collapse which is often specifically included in the wording used by other companies .
23 Accidental Damage is self explanatory and limited by exclusion of damage due to breakdown , explosion or collapse which in effect excludes damage from any inherent defect in the plant .
24 After the war , he decided to emigrate to Britain rather than return to his homeland which was under Soviet rule .
25 Sebe , the " President-for-life " of the Ciskei homeland which was granted nominal independence by South Africa in 1981 , was absent from the country at the time .
26 The area of Newham which was excluded from the study was the north-east corner of the borough which includes Manor Park .
27 In some cases , the returning officer is such ex officio , as being , e.g. , the sheriff of a county compromising a single constituency , or the mayor of a London borough which comprises a single constituency .
28 Stores in the borough which have defied the law and opened on Sundays are now starting petitions , which will be presented to the council 's environmental health director today .
29 In W. J. Perry 's The Origin of Magic and Religion which he reviewed in July 1924 , four months before these lines appeared , Eliot read of ‘ old stone images ’ of the Melanesians , of mana , of the handing down of rituals , and of W. H. R. Rivers 's work on ‘ an extensive literature in which attempts are made to bring the symbolism of myth and ritual into relation with modern views concerning its rôle in the dream and disease ’ .
30 His reluctance to tell the fall story is all of a piece with his extreme slowness , after his religious conversion , to accept Christianity , a religion which tries the heart , which searches us out and knows us .
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