Example sentences of "[be] how " in BNC.

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1 How 're how 're the kids gon na get the fire , you have , your children have boxes of matches and lighters do they , and cans of petrol and whatever else ?
2 Cos they do n't realize how long they 'm how long they 'm on there .
3 One of the most important factors for governments and forecasters will be how much money young and middle-aged people save for their old age while they are earning .
4 But the real test will be how they fare in an economic recession
5 The crucial factor is likely to be how much Moscow continues to value the Warsaw Pact as a military buffer .
6 One would be how well I did and , secondly , how Bill Clinton did . ’
7 The only question with the Masai seemed to be how best to translate benevolent intentions into administrative actuality .
8 This may be how mouthbrooding started in other Cichlids .
9 The question then would be how unions assessed the costs and benefits and whether they would want to pressure management to bear this cost in order that their members could enjoy the benefit of higher job satisfaction — possibly at the expense of their receiving lower wages .
10 The challenge now facing cost-conscious practices would seem to be how to structure their own in-house training at minimum cost and disruption , but without sacrificing quality .
11 Your main problem is likely to be how to structure ( i.e. lay out ) your answer .
12 Uppermost among them will be how they begin to devise a strategy to defeat a man who is both boxer and puncher .
13 Idealisation of past relationships may reflect unsatisfied longings ; what is reported may be how old people would like it to have been .
14 She was only in college the one year , less than a year if you — we just wondered if she tried to buy some here , that 's all , and that could be how she might have met the wrong kind of people .
15 Perhaps another sign could be how much education is given to its young people to be a real part of this society .
16 The problem for IBM is going to be how to sell it .
17 Another factor will be how easy the chosen technology is to convert for environments other than Hewlett 's .
18 The most important question seems to be how far individuals believe they are in control of their own environment and can control what happens to them .
19 And those beetles of yours — the ones that could n't get home because the sheet was moving almost as fast as they could walk — that must be how it is for light moving through our space .
20 You 're still Pascoe — and that 'll be how she found you phone book , nothing simpler .
21 But perhaps a better title might be how to prevent things going wrong , on the argument you know that prevention is better than cure and rather than trying to put problems right which have already happened , it might be better to try to prevent them happening in the first place .
22 The fundamental issue here ( especially for the arts in education ) appears to be how schools can be more effectively alerted to developments in education .
23 But the smoke seems to soothe him , and when he glances up I think it must be how a father looks at his son just a couple of times each year .
24 The odd thing was , that did n't seem to be how it struck McWhirter .
25 Bottom Line The bottom line has to be how it operates once it is all up and running correctly , which assumes that , if you have minimal experience or confidence , you have had a dealer set it up .
26 For me , a key test will be how far the social provisions can be incorporated into the Maastricht agreement .
27 The point of contention now appears to be how institutions may be affected .
28 Particularly interesting will be how rivalries are both conceived of by fans themselves , and represented in local and national media .
29 " I suppose it must be how Nick Faldo feels every other week … "
30 " This must be how Nick Faldo fells every week . "
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