Example sentences of "[conj] like " in BNC.

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1 As he shaved his reflection seemed to be the face of a low criminal — or like one of Bodo 's associates — and when he went into the sitting-room his wife bore more than a passing resemblance to an exceptionally severe judge about to condemn that criminal to hard labour for life .
2 A child screaming is expressing itself , or like those artists who daub things in the West — they say they are expressing themselves . ’
3 ‘ they make no outcries and exclamations in the departure of the soul ; and that they make no judgement concerning the dying person by his dying quietly or violently , with comfort or without , with great fears or a cheerful confidence , with sense or without , like a lion or like a lamb , with convulsions or semblances of great pain or like an expiring and a spent candle ; for these happen to all men without rule … ‘
4 ‘ they make no outcries and exclamations in the departure of the soul ; and that they make no judgement concerning the dying person by his dying quietly or violently , with comfort or without , with great fears or a cheerful confidence , with sense or without , like a lion or like a lamb , with convulsions or semblances of great pain or like an expiring and a spent candle ; for these happen to all men without rule … ‘
5 Or like the boulder , poised precariously on the very edge of a cliff so that the slightest puff of wind will bring it crashing down .
6 In that sense , it is like any other job of work , or like being any parent .
7 Or like the time when you say , right out loud , that 's it , I could have been at home sleeping .
8 Or like Jenny 's mother , whose grey head trembled constantly , so that she reminded Winnie of a nodding Chinese doll she had owned as a child .
9 They were like astronauts landing on the moon and finding footprints in the dust , or like the mountain climbers in Jules Verne who , having at last reached the summit of what they take to be a virgin Himalayan peak , find a sign saying : M. Durand , Dentist , 14 rue Caumartin , Paris .
10 Sadness intensifies the perceptions of the eyes so that the inner eyes see a new form of beauty like Rimbaud or like the deaf Beethoven or the blind Homer and Milton .
11 At first I thought of these ideas as jewels formed in a matrix of rock like a diamond or like a fragile vase fired in a kiln at Ching-Te-Chin — an emperor 's gift .
12 The Nobel prize for religion ( God forbid it should ever be invented ) will not go to a theologian , or like the peace prize be passed round to whoever fits the political needs of the moment ( with all due respect to Bishop Tutu and not much to Mr Begin ) .
13 Expectoration may be very offensive , tenacious , lumpy , blood streaked or like thick , yellow or yellow/green pus , often with a pungent , cheesy taste .
14 On the face of it , therefore , it would not seem possible to maintain the view that morality without religion is unthinkable , or like a house built on sand .
15 With prices down by up to a third in some areas , there are many bargains around for the discerning buyer whether you fancy a converted barn or like the challenge of renovating .
16 The sun came to him in a warm gust or like a warm veil enveloping him .
17 He told various parables to illustrate what the Kingdom of God is like : it is like a person discovering treasure in a field , so he sells everything he has and buys the field ; or like finding an extremely expensive piece of jewellery .
18 Or like this … ? ’ , doing the same to the other , at which point she fled in tears . ’
19 If you have enough living movement in your writing , if your nouns support each sentence and your verbs fly like flung ropes , or like shaking cobwebs , between them , then you are in a position to decorate it with adjectives and adverbs — but not until .
20 Much of his Taxi Driver , he says , arose from his belief that movies are a ‘ kind of dream state , or like taking dope ’ .
21 Or like my mum and dad , who were as keen as anyone to get off Earth , but had n't the gumption or the connections to get a work permit on an orbital .
22 Does he feel gratified , or like a grand-daddy ?
23 My previous astonishment at the fact that people who came here like De Michelis [ the former foreign secretary ] , or like ex-Prime Minister Andreotti , never endowed us with any money is now diminished .
24 As the delusion begins to work ( Ind. ii.1–67 ) , Sly gradually levitates up to verse , as if hypnotized , or like someone in an early painting by Chagall , just taking off : Yet , when confronted with his supposed wife , desires of the flesh begin to reassert themselves , and he relapses into prose and bawdy ( 125ff . ) .
25 In the intervening months , SL has been adding user-level threads and features of the SVR4.2 Destiny desktop to what will eventually emerge as Unix SVR4.3 or like ( UX No 397 ) .
26 Plainly you can not apply that view to everything or the whole of your business is in a continuous state of stop/go , or like the good old Duke of York 's troops , marching up and down the same hill with monotonous regularity .
27 No I 'm stopping in with our kid , you know , and you could n't impose on , on so er if there was fisticuffs , fights , falling out , I 'll fetch our kid , I 'll fetch our wench , I mean there we you used to , honestly and truthfully , you , you used to feel it , you know erm because when there was any trouble , problems or like that there was always somebody to share it well it had the advantages in some ways , perhaps you was er had a little bit more luxuries than the f bigger family , but i in my mind that did n't make up for the companionship of brothers and sisters , no b b b b that , that 's w how I put it anyway .
28 The girls bringing in the parcel could dress up like the bridegroom-to-be , taking his work or hobby as the theme , or like any male characters such as footballers , policemen or policewomen wearing sunglasses , gorillas with cigars , city gents in bowler hats , or a spoof pop group of boys in short trousers and caps singing , ‘ Will you still need me when I 'm sixty-four ? ’ .
29 I 'm like a great vacuum cleaner hoovering up everything as I go along , or like a catfish sucking up all the rubbish in an aquarium .
30 He imagined Helena coming to some trysting place on a summer night , to the Banks of Knamber perhaps , or like Lady Irene and Alastair Thornhill , to the ghost of a road , the Reeve 's Way , as it threaded through the Vale of Allen , and Tace meeting her there in the twilight .
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