Example sentences of "[adv] long " in BNC.

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1 Employing one of those supremely disingenuous somersaults of logic that only long training in double-speak and the official brand of British arrogance can confer , Mr Howard told a Westminster audience of backbenchers that ‘ If the Commission were to take us to the European Court I can think of few things more calculated to bring the Commission into disrepute ’
2 As a general rule , only long vehicles are taken in here for repair .
3 Perhaps the pause is only long enough for his mind to find and form a new , fresh and appropriate body in which to continue on the mental outworking of the karmic dance .
4 Only long cloaks blowing , up on top of the young dunes , a gaze of strange cold eyes , a flash of spear-points — then the rain drove across , and Ruth could see only night .
5 Sand vaporised in bunkers and only long hitters managed to reach the fairway of their first shot of the day on Dunluce .
6 Remarkably , following an initial embarrassed hesitation , he is able to produce a " question " which is not only long and linguistically complex but free from further hesitations or other slips in performance .
7 The depressing view of the unsightly pylons marching across the valley floor , heavy traffic thundering along the Woodhead Pass road , five reservoirs and a disused railway line , is soon left behind as you negotiate the tussocky grass slops below Long Gutter Edge towards the entrance to Wildboar Clough .
8 Her features , too , were refined , he decided ; the nose somewhat long and swooping , the mouth thin , red and curved .
9 The overall aim of these draft regulations is therefore very simple but the regulations themselves are somewhat long and complex as those who 've tried to read them will have noticed .
10 ‘ Rich , the dress needs ear-rings , long long long ear-rings , maybe diamonds or diamonds and emeralds … ’
11 From the plinth you look down long rows of white crosses and plain headstones on the far side of the memorial ; some say inconnu , others ‘ A Soldier of the Great War ’ .
12 They were escorted down long corridors — cooled by fans , for the weather was still very warm-by a senior aide , who was French , and by his aide , who was Algerian .
13 When you buy your spur , also buy bolts sufficiently long to pass through both spur and post to leave at least 25mm ( 1in ) protruding .
14 Sufficiently long gap between contractions for me to smile for the camera .
15 In order that the shelf-life shall be sufficiently long it is necessary that at the time of manufacture , the product shall comply with a specification which sets narrower limits , particularly for those parameters in respect of which the product is least stable .
16 Therefore , before a conclusion is reached , tests must be continued for a sufficiently long time to demonstrate an adequate shelf-life in the market concerned .
17 Fussler and Simon , in Patterns in the use of books in large research libraries , affirmed that ‘ past use over a sufficiently long period is an excellent and by far the best predictor of future use ’ , although they observed , ‘ the confidence limits of prediction vary significantly from one subject to another ’ .
18 The removal of trees constitutes the removal of both biomass and nutrients so it is important for sustainable yield that logging rotations are sufficiently long to allow replenishment .
19 In other words , they have been allowed to grow and multiply for a sufficiently long time to produce large numbers of cells .
20 The shroud is , again , a one-piece creation , sufficiently long to be draped over and under the feet , the sleeves equally full .
21 Seton did not appear to resent being replaced in the governorship ; indeed he might even have been somewhat relieved , for it was a grievous responsibility in present circumstances and he had borne it sufficiently long .
22 From here we can suggest that , perhaps , all stars vary their output periodically , but that for obvious practical reason we have no way of knowing that this is so in the case of stars whose periods are sufficiently long .
23 It is hypothesised that most existing studies of adoption are not sufficiently long term to , demonstrate these effects .
24 Incidentally , Dubhe and Alkaid are moving across the sky in a direction opposite to that of the remaining five stars , so that over a sufficiently long period the Plough will lose its familiar shape .
25 Almost invariably , when that happens , its blue tail drops off and lies wriggling on the rock with such vigour that the aggressor 's attention is diverted to it , often for sufficiently long for the skink itself to slip free and escape .
26 Many do not remain sufficiently long as temporary workers or with any one agency to be entitled to any rights even if they were to have dependent employee status .
27 As Weatherall suggested in his 1992 Harveian oration , this implies either that the positive selective forces favouring the thrifty genotype were not as strong in Europeans or that the negative selective forces of a sedentary , well nourished lifestyle have operated for sufficiently long to diminish the frequency of the genotype .
28 This period was sufficiently long for the widespread planation of oceanic islands , many of them volcanic .
29 At this stage the wing A is still exaggerated , but would however be reduced provided the prevailing wind , X , was of sufficiently long duration .
30 There are many results on reputation effects in this context , but these show that entry is always deterred if the time horizon is sufficiently long .
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