Example sentences of "[adv] being " in BNC.

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1 Energy conservation and environmental pressures are rightly being placed on oil and gas producers in the North sea .
2 Therefore , the background of the factory scenes features men doing their real work but the scarved and denimed wraiths seen taking lecture notes are actors , it apparently being the Equity assumption that to be a student requires no particular talent or skill .
3 Although no one had claimed responsibility for the attack by last night , it was apparently being treated as a terrorist incident by the Belgian police .
4 By early Tuesday afternoon , however , pro-Noriega forces had arrived at the military command headquarters , where General Noriega was apparently being held , and the rebels surrendered .
5 Add the possible problem with the wart , her upset at being all but mobbed by the crowd on a very hot day , and her apparently being carried off a true course in the straight by Achilles , and you have a long menu of excuses or explanations .
6 The squashed chicken featured on the front of this year 's D & AD postal entry form in a photograph taken by Tomoko Yoneda ; the poor fowl was apparently being pinned to a padlocked door by a ghostly hand , and was accompanied by a typographical fiesta which was practically unreadable .
7 Despite criticisms voiced by the Post Office Engineering Union ( 1980 ) it is still the case that warrants are to be issued under the hand of the Home Secretary rather than a judge , there apparently being no concern that a major invasion of privacy can take place by executive act without the need for any judicial approval or authorization , as is required in other democracies .
8 One night he heard a loud noise in the yard , looked out and saw a black person apparently being whipped — as he thought , to death .
9 Despite its technological sophistication , the use of this elaborate clock was essentially astrological , the object apparently being to ensure that the positions of the celestial bodies would be known even if the Heavens were cloudy when any of the Emperor 's wives or concubines produced offspring .
10 As a result , the main criterion was based on estimated teaching activity with past research performance apparently being accorded relatively little weight . ’
11 The residual plutonium is apparently being held in the form of highly radioactive waste .
12 We are apparently being drawn to the end of time , to an apocalypse ( which will happen on 21/12/2012 ) at which point some of us will achieve a mystical transformation to a more enlightened realm of being .
13 It may surprise you to learn that not one single person came to the help of that poor little man who was apparently being so brutally attacked .
14 a vehicle being towed is apparently being ‘ used ’ .
15 So you have a frustrated male who can not understand why it is apparently being given the ‘ come-on ’ and who not surprisingly reacts with hostility when spawning is not forthcoming .
16 Piotr Jaroszewicz , 83 , had been strangled at home near Warsaw after apparently being tortured .
17 The place is apparently being slowly abraded by a fine , stinging dust blown across Patagonia by the unceasing gales .
18 Microsoft Corp 's chief hatchet man Steve Ballmer has been telling people that Windows NT will be available in May : meanwhile object-oriented Cairo is now apparently being referred to as NT Version 2 .
19 Meanwhile , Cairo is now apparently being referred to as NT Version 2 .
20 The messenger of the Queen 's Chamber , who summoned Hawarde , got £1.6s. 8d. for a very short journey — apparently being paid at 4d. a mile — and a retainer of 6s. 8d .
21 Thus social order was apparently being maintained by one 's fellow citizens within one 's own community .
22 He also remembered the look of the adjustable spanner , and it seemed to him appropriate that having been knocked down with a spanner his whole body was now apparently being alternately wrenched and tightened .
23 I do not believe that Scotland can or should avoid its international obligations , but I object to the fact that we are apparently being singled out as the one country that will be the nuclear laundry for everyone else .
24 The question of fraud had earlier been raised in December 1988 , when the Court had complained of double-counting by beef farmers : an EP committee had reported in late January that in three areas of West Germany , 80 per cent of all cattle were apparently being slaughtered more than once ( for earlier cases see pp. 35915 ; 36493 ) .
25 Cnut is being crowned and Emma is apparently being given a veil by angels pointing to Christ , who is flanked by the patron saints of New Minster , the Virgin Mary and Peter .
26 A map showing areas of British coastal waters being considered for protection under the European Community 's habitats directive is apparently being withheld from public distribution at the request of the Department of the Environment .
27 The nets are apparently being used to catch swordfish , but are also sweeping up many other marine creatures , including turtles and dolphins as well as fish which the Greek Ionian fleets had been accustomed to catch .
28 And they 're apparently being led by a Belgian priest .
29 On the dawn of another new season ( England A play county champions Essex in a four-day match beginning at Lord 's on Monday , both sides apparently being restricted to eleven players ) it was uplifting yesterday to be reminded of the Grand Match .
30 The canisters , which may be from an officially charted dump midway between the Isle of Man and the Kintyre peninsula , floated to shore after apparently being set loose by recent storms .
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