Example sentences of "[adv] should " in BNC.

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1 As with recording advances , there is no such thing as a typical figure , but for a non-performing writer , enough money to live on should be sought .
2 However , those who emerged empty-handed from all the pushing and shoving that went on should be able to see November 19 's game on giant video screens which the government is hoping to install in three different locations .
3 And yet Valerie Yule is proposing that the glorious rich language in which these activities are carried on should be vandalised so that every text we read will look like the worst that Fleet Street compositors can inflict on us .
4 Using the self-help measures described further on should usually relieve or help to prevent an attack .
5 Those allowed on should be those with some experience of this sort of work .
6 But today , realizing the problems she might have in controlling her mount let alone in staying on should it prop at a hedge or peck on landing , she decided discretion was the better part of valour and shortening her left rein swung Hullabaloo away in the other direction to take what was known as the Funks ' Run , which ran round a long ridge of elms , across the brook at its narrowest point , and then over a good two miles of open ground , with only one reasonable sized open ditch and hedge to be jumped at the bottom of the dip before a long run uphill which led back to the last of the Vale hedges .
7 I rather feel that men ( and women ) who gently imply that they 'd quite like their partners to keep some items of clothing on should probably be humoured at least some of the time . ’
8 Suggestions for what is really going on should be forwarded to , who will organise an appropriate prize for the most imaginative guess .
9 At the moment it 's mainly gall bladder and gynaecology patients who benefit but the skills the Leicester General will be passing on should mean more toddlers will be having operations through the keyhole too .
10 We want the Government to think carefully and respond positively to our recommendations , because we are anxious that the rate of increase in the Budget from now on should not be jacked up by the powerful lobby of the industry and the influence that it can exert on the Government .
11 This means that the genetic change would be passed on should the genetically engineered egg become a person who reproduces .
12 What 's that yellow light on there that should n't really be on should it that one over there look .
13 What if something like this you know if I give this to Arthur and John and say er they just joined I give them this , this personal development plan , who should it put pressure on should do , yeah cos you should be going up to them and saying well I 'm supposed to have done you know X Y Y and they go ah yeah , and then they go up with these excuses yeah .
14 Anyone who still has ideas about the group but has not yet passed them on should contact the clerk to the parish council .
15 Staining times in particular are highly variable , and those given herein should only be used as a starting point .
16 If a band can work that little bit harder to be more original , someone somewhere should start to be interested in their music .
17 Surely someone somewhere should have checked to make sure that it was correct . ’
18 We have seen that for effective teaching in higher education to take place , someone , somewhere should have engaged in research .
19 Any coarse greenstuff such as cabbage roots , hedge trimmings , etc. should be chopped up to avoid large air pockets .
20 Questionnaires , interviews , etc. should be planned with extreme care ( a pilot survey is indispensable in almost every circumstance ) , and must be completed by , administered to , etc. a large enough proportion of the total of users to render the results statistically valid .
21 It was crucial that the postal and telephone services , access roads , car parks , electricity , gas , drainage , etc. should be available or could easily be provided .
22 Hymns , chants etc. should be sung through fully and appreciated as prayer in themselves .
23 Various kinds of metals should be heated , long iron bars , short iron bars , silver bars , copper bars , etc. should be heated at high pressure and low pressure , high temperatures and low temperatures , and so on .
24 The original receipts etc. should be obtained if possible .
25 If these accounts are on ‘ official ’ paper , with a watermark , then these accounts etc. should be carefully examined .
26 If necessary a copy of the lease etc. should be requested from the Policyholder .
27 It is the Tribunal 's view that the present arrangements regarding Shift Allowance etc. should apply .
28 Resources in the locality ( sites , museums , specialists ) , etc. should also be listed .
29 Personal stereos , electronic games , etc. should not be brought to school .
30 Because these skills would not be particular to one subject area — . but rather should be seen as an integral part of the whole schooling process — the project should have a cross-curricular base , be taught within subject areas in reference to specific contexts rather than as a separate theoretical concept related to general study .
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