Example sentences of "[adv] little " in BNC.

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1 Demand for advice is strongest amongst actual victims of computer misuse , where it is effectively little more than a damage limitation exercise .
2 The fact that two years later the HMI Secondary Survey showed that popular fears about falling standards were largely unfounded did conspicuously little to change the prevailing attitude .
3 The daily routines of most working class wives left conspicuously little time for leisure .
4 Fry 's book contains rather little biographical information , the focus being firmly on Cézanne 's work .
5 Such a degree course would not suit everyone , but it might well be attractive to the late entrants and mature students who are increasingly common participants in higher education , particularly in the humanities , and who bring valuable experience of life and work to their study , but may have rather little formal preparation .
6 But although we may be confident that a gradient exists , and influences subsequent development , we usually have no idea what it is a gradient of , and rather little idea of how genes are actually switched on and off .
7 Theories that suppose latent inhibition to be a function of what the stimulus itself predicts have been compelled to introduce special explanations to deal with the fact of context — specificity — and , as we shall see , they have done so with rather little success .
8 Curriculum managers reading this discussion may rightly feel that this magisterial balance has rather little to offer to their own pressing concerns .
9 We know rather little about what kind of bargains are struck at the present time although inheritance is always a possible way of ensuring that the balance of support does not tip too much in one direction , even if its use is not spoken about openly .
10 Support from grandparent' to grandchild is rather more straightforward , although again rather little evidence exists .
11 If the Council did a good deal to catch up with the agenda of the Council of Trent , it did rather little to face the real agenda confronting the whole human and Christian community in the last decades of this century .
12 The first is that there is rather little reason to associate the coercive pressure of a dominant or majority current of opinion or belief with democracy .
13 spoken language typically contains rather little subordination
14 In our discussion so far we have concentrated particularly on the physical context in which single utterances are embedded and we have paid rather little attention to the previous discourse co-ordinate .
15 Among transition metal hydrides the mass of the metal atom has rather little effect ; frequencies are in the range 2200–1700 cm -1 , the precise value depending on the metal and the other ligands involved .
16 It was quite possible for them to take their deferences and privileges and give rather little in return .
17 To date , however , there has been rather little evidence on the means of transmission of difficulties .
18 However , although the UK government and others have a variety of policies designed to encourage and stimulate innovation , rather little has been done to assess the effectiveness of these measures , or to consider them in a broader context of structural change and adjustment in a mature industrial economy .
19 In particular , the ‘ state of the art ’ in the collection and processing of raw data by the Soviet Central Statistical Administration is something about which rather little is known .
20 Rather little to respond to I think which does n't mean that good work has not been done .
21 By the 1970s , the " West Indian language problem " had been probed and discussed by educators and policy makers , but still rather little actual research had been done on the language of the Caribbeans .
22 Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff , not a man to be seduced by charm alone , thought rather little of " Diffugere nives " , coupling it with another poem , the twelfth ode of the fourth book , and dismissing the pair alike as Frühlingslieder ( " unremarkable spring songs " ) , which Goethe , " " , ( " only remind us , like Goethe of old , " " and if time goes swiftly by , the seasons come again " " ) ( 1913 ) .
23 put it in the shop window in New York on St Patrick 's Day along with forty shades of green paperweights , the lacquered shillelaghs , and the wonderful world of deedeelee eedeelee eedeelee Irishness ; skipping dancing jolly little leprechauns in bright buckled shoes and battered hatted bow legged bright red drunken faced gombeen men with little devils in their laughing Irish eyes , mischievous gossipy white haired old women with shawls , pure white skinned colleens skipping carefree through green fields dutifully ready to return in an instant to domestic chores , strapping athletic lads with fine belts and sturdy boots ever willing to put in a fair day 's work or hit each other a clout .
24 I saw his grave when I took a short cut through the churchyard — a modest , friendly , even jolly little grave , where in summer moon-daisies and red clover grew , and quaking grass which little children call shivery-shakes .
25 It was such a jolly little lighthouse , white , and standing at the very end of a promontory .
26 ‘ She was a lovely , jolly little child with the most beautiful big eyes .
27 Except ‘ Three Little Birds ’ , which , although it might have sounded like just a jolly little song , was , in fact , a metaphorical indictment of the whole superpower system .
28 Jolly little tune , ’ Shufflebotham said .
29 There are destroyers behind the wings , maybe , but they do n't play a jolly little team game , it does n't work that way .
30 There was remarkably little to do in the hospital if you did n't want to read Agatha Christie or knit half-mile scarves .
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