Example sentences of "[adv] he " in BNC.

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1 Apparently 'e 's took over there fer good .
2 Joe Maitland used ter go ter the fights , an' apparently 'e was the one who tipped the police off . ’
3 ‘ Aah thowt as 'ow 'e 'd 'ave more sense . ’
4 Aah said as 'ow 'e 's only a poor little thing . ’
5 Yer know 'ow 'e loves boxin' .
6 There was a long pause during which a kind of stage fright seized me and perhaps him too : we remained in our positions , Richard sitting up in bed and me standing at the window , looking at each other helplessly like actors who have forgotten their lines .
7 I am beginning to like GG , perhaps him and wilko are drinking buddies ( then again ) .
8 Perhaps he 's , perhaps him something or
9 Far from undermining the adoptive relationship , his keeping in touch with his relatives often strengthens it : the child knows that his adopting parents accept not only him but that which belongs to him and thus acceptance has a broader , surer meaning ( p. 333 ) .
10 I still love David , I miss him and want only him .
11 Not only him , but also her stepbrother .
12 And only Him that can hold us
13 He had come home , it was beginning to seem , in order to finally wrench himself away from all his father represented , and not only him but the even more hateful world of the van Goghs ; the art dealers , the bourgeoisie , polite society , ‘ them ’ .
14 There was only him [ Ali ] for me then 'cause he was black and there was racialism . ’
15 And not only him
16 Only him .
17 But I I do you know I 've been back since but I just could n't find it now , but there it 'll be , but on the side of the er at , he used to preach at this mission , there was only him you know used to preach , and I do n't know how many other people were at , it would n't hold above er would n't hold above thirty .
18 Everything expressing only him ( it 's not deliberate , he hates ‘ interior decoration ’ and gimmicks and Vogue ) .
19 There was only him , and the clouds , and the hidden face of Lucifer .
20 ‘ Our Leader does n't like to be told that his election was a fraud , that actual grievous bodily harm was perpetrated to bring him victory , that people were n't telling the truth when they said they wanted him , only him , when they said their hearts beat as one with love of him .
21 There had been only him , only her , and she had wondered .
22 His ancestors worship only him ,
23 And only him to feed on ?
24 So I taught him that the first week , and the second week we went back and there was still only him , so it I taught him how to rewire a plug how to do it properly and er went back a third week and he was s still the only one there , so we went through it again , see if he 'd picked it up and he had n't so .
25 ‘ I 'm all right , ’ she repeated , as if convincing not only him , but herself too .
26 It rises to a low hum again when they see it 's only him .
27 Her statement startled not only him , but also Peggy , and it showed as surprise on Henry 's face , and she looked from one to the other , saying , ‘ Yes , yes , I am .
28 He did n't want to tempt fate , but fate had brought them together again and now there was only him and her in the whole world .
29 But by then there was only him and me left . ’
30 It 's only him can do it like !
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