Example sentences of "[adv] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Second , most lawyers take on cases on the basis that they will not ask for an upfront fee , but a percentage of the amount of damages won instead — often as much as 40% .
2 He was not willing to take on cases with relatively unconventional chosen outcomes .
3 Mostly musicians spend their time jerking off in front of others and guitar and bass-playing readers are basically fans of the idea of that , but the truth is that it 's all individual — every neck on every guitar just has to feel a certain way .
4 One ketos disgorging Jonah has a dolphin 's tail and the head and snout of a boar and with feline feet and presumably claws .
5 Since the electoral registration officer is authorised by statute to sell copies of the electoral register , address lists from this source are fairly and lawfully obtained ; objections to trading in other address lists can be circumvented if , at the time of the initial collection of information , it is made clear that addresses will be passed on unless the data subject expressly objects .
6 It gets political in its indictment of the corrupt railroad — it ‘ leaves two shiny , slimy tracks like a snail ’ — that is the representation of a rapaciously capitalist civilisation , and dares to traduce Fonda , Monument Valley and sundry rather icons of the Ford universe .
7 To ask the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food what steps his Department is taking on proposals for new EC legislation or regulations on nutritional supplements ; and if he will make a statement .
8 Clare works for an estate agent so far up-market it 's mostly estates they deal in , not humble houses , no matter how extensive ; if it does n't boast a couple of salmon rivers , a few square miles of trees and a brace of hills , lochs or lakes , then they just are n't interested .
9 The barring of non-Estonian citizens , mostly Russians , Ukrainians and Byelarussians , drew protests from the Russian leadership and appeared to fuel tension over the issue of Russian troop withdrawal from Estonia [ see this page ] .
10 Faced with that dilemma the plaintiffs chose to endeavour to run the business to an early sale and that is what they did my Lord and er the premises were put back on the market er in the early part of nineteen eighty six and er it is pleaded that er in in paragraph six statement of claim , that in May er a buyer came forward but that sale did not go ahead er because there were unreasonable delays on the part of the purchaser erm and er the deal fell through but then again in July er after the business had ceased trading , another buyer was found and then there was a lengthy period of negotiations at the conclusion of which the sale price was reduced because at that stage the plaintiff 's landlord was going to increase the rent er and the plaintiffs were at that stage under threat of forfeiture and eventually contracts were exchanged on the sixth of November nineteen eighty six the sale price being eighty one thousand five hundred and er completion was on the fifth of December nineteen eighty six .
11 We are getting a bit fed-up of people saying how badly opponents play against us .
12 Presumably attempts will be made to agree expenditure ceilings post-1992 to avoid the outbreak , at a later date , of inter-institutional frictions .
13 They did kill an estimated 1,500 Japanese for the loss of only 40 of their own men ; a sharp contrast to the 166,500 Allied losses ( mostly prisoners ) in Malaya , Hong Kong , and in the Dutch East Indies , where the Japanese lost only 15,000 men in the campaigns of the 1940–41 winter .
14 It was recognised , however , that as the crew members became more experienced and gained seniority there was a need for specialised navigational training so that they could replace No. 1 's and eventually Commanders .
15 For more challenging reports , or ones requiring specialist programming skills , unusual access rights , etc. requests are channelled through a registry representative to the information systems team ( currently four F l E ) in the computer centre .
16 These users , unsurprisingly , are mostly housewives .
17 Right teeth cleaned at least I think .
18 These houses were owned by the rich — members of the Portuguese aristocracy or foreigners , mostly merchants .
19 It will suffice to observe that those on higher assessments were mostly merchants , and the poorer ones manual workers , and to conclude that a tiny farming community was incapable of generating more than a limited demand for their services .
20 It was mostly merchants who lived here , but notwithstanding their love of luxury , their houses were gloomy inside .
21 ‘ That you ’ Means the identity of the person making the obscene etc. calls .
22 He wrote a handful of other books for children , which were mostly picture-books , but included a full-length fantasy , The Twilight of Magic ( 1930 ) .
23 On the northern edge of Aegina town , near the sea , Philip Dragoumis takes in 2,000 damaged creatures a year , mostly birds , half of which have been illegally shot .
24 Tullock ( 1971 ) , like Disraeli , notes that the top and bottom of the income distribution may have interests in common and that it is the middle ( or median ) individual , or more loosely groups , who wield the power .
25 It was a bright little place where the customers were mostly seamen .
26 a host of cracked-asunder sepulchres
27 They also felt that specialist workers could pass on skills and ideas to others , but it would take time .
28 Trainees would attend for forty weeks and in the second half of their training they would pass on skills acquired ( e.g. in computing or photography ) to the new intake of trainees .
29 Just as if , if we are in a sort , team leader or a section head as I 've shown , it does n't mean to say that we hold all the knowledge , we can pass it on to others , who can he pass it on to somebody else although you ultimately may be responsible for the training of other people , you do n't need to do it all yourself do you , but unless you pass on skills , you 're gon na make a sort of a quite a vicious circle for yourself are n't ya ?
30 And I think it was , we were willing to go back to work and carry on discussions , albeit without earning any bonus because we were working to rule at the time , but it was what happened in er the quarry that really started the strike , when he laid the workforce off because they were helping us , or joining us in sympathetic action , you know there was a lockout up there , so I think that speeded up things considerably .
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