Example sentences of "[art] large " in BNC.

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1 Wilde 's The Importance of Being Earnest is a must and of the large Shavian canon I suggest you read St Joan and The Doctor 's Dilemma or Major Barbara to get a clear idea of his style and the kind of demands he makes of actors verbally .
2 Equity entry is of crucial concern to the large numbers of trained and talented drama school finalists seeking to enter the business every year .
3 It is only possible to assert that work begun with a lifting of the heart is likely to go on for longer than work begun with a contracting of the stomach , that work done with a lifting of the heart will develop further than work done with a contracting of the stomach , but there is nothing to indicate that the small amount of work which is the result of a contracting of the stomach will not be better than the large amount of work done with a lifting of the heart , than the rich development which is the likely result of work undertaken with a lifting of the heart , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , poring over the pages covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve , glanced up at the sheet in his typewriter , always bearing in mind , he typed ( as Harsnet had written ) , that better and worse are relative terms , and that one man 's better is another man 's worse , one age 's better is another age 's worse , one civilization 's better is another civilization 's worse , better , worse , relative values , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , that in the long run it all comes to the same thing , long run , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , same thing .
4 Saw off the tap from the large plastic screw cap , insert the bung and the airlock .
5 It seems most surprising that the breweries consider the large open space to be the pub 's ideal internal form , or believe the artificial , standardised ‘ historic ’ pub interior to be preferable to genuine historic detail , when the original internal divisions and features are essential elements of the historic character that customers expect when entering such a building .
6 The large lady was not to be put off , however .
7 Its equally hairy large leaves will dominate any border or waterside planting and when the large imposing deep yellow daisies appear in late summer all traffic stops .
8 For weeks on end through late summer and autumn the large lavender-blue , gold-eyed daisies are displayed on branching stems up to 3ft tall .
9 I was amazed to discover that pilots sometimes forget the large wing-span of their glider and risk touching a wing-tip on one side when flying through a gap .
10 there has been hardly any research on the police compared with the large output of critical scholarship on industry , commerce , the civil service , the health service and education … what little direct research there has been on the police has scarcely begun to ask such fundamental questions as what is the police force and what is it doing .
11 The various groups keep a fairly sharp difference between them , centering their activities , not least through the exigencies of the two languages , in their own areas : essentially in the East ( French ) and West ( English — which includes the large Scottish and ‘ other ’ cultural elements ) .
12 Apart from the large numbers of tennis fans expected on day one of the 1991 Federation Cup , millions more around the country will be witness to the day 's proceedings , courtesy of the BBC 's Radio I Roadshow .
13 The large shavings and heavy stuff drop out in the container while the finer dust goes through to the cleaner .
14 My particular cleaner came with two sizes of suction tube , and experiment has shown that for maximum suck the large diameter pipe must go from the cleaner to the container .
15 Outside the large conurbations , which were the province of the locally financed Passenger Transport Executives , Provincial inherited a disparate collection of routes linking various centres or branching to less populous places .
16 These are also strongly accented as the arms straighten into 2nd position before being bent , with hands sometimes clasped behind the head , sometimes placed akimbo on the waist or sometimes with one on the waist and the other behind the large bow at the back of the head-dress .
17 In fact its name still adorns the large office block in Paddock Wood — they 're waiting for the Friends of Felix Dhjerzinsky to come and remove it — but below is enscribed the new and politically squeaky-clean name of ‘ English Hops ’ .
18 With the strength of CAMRA as a consumer movement , I welcome the return of the Party Seven into the off-sales world , which is one of the largest sections of the industry , as the large breweries are forcing the £2 pint upon tenant landlords and others , and people turn elsewhere to seek their alcoholic enjoyment .
19 All the large d-i-y superstores ( B&Q , Do It All , Homebase , Texas and Wickes ) have their own ranges of masonry paints available in smooth or sand-textured finishes .
20 I was a stocky baby with good bone , but perhaps my ears were on the large side — but then so were Clark Gable 's and he did n't do so bad .
21 It signals the transformation of the large , lucid Great Sinner into the man who is beyond definition and self-definition , beyond calling himself bored , and whose actions — whether he is biting an ear or enduring a punch in the face or hanging by a well-soaped rope — explain nothing and nobody .
22 The large reduction in ripple currents is an advantage , but input and output decoupling capacitors are still required .
23 This raises the large question of the role of translation in the transmission of French ideas to English readers .
24 These are the symptoms of a triumphant professionalism , which is sustained by the particular conditions of American academic life : the intensely competitive environment of the prestigious graduate schools , the free market in salaries which entices the superstars of the profession from one campus to another , the large funds available for research , journals , and conferences .
25 That the alternative religious explanation should still not know what value to put on ‘ music of the flute ’ — this will be experienced by some as a cruel disappointment , by others as a welcome acknowledgement that dogmatic certainty on the large scale can comprehend uncertainties on the small .
26 The buyer is said not to be one of the large five record companies — Thorn EMI of the UK , Sony , Warner , Polygram and Bertelsman — which between them dominate 70 per cent of world sales .
27 Those of us who helped constitute the large House of Commons majority in favour of the principle of joining the community did so with our eyes open .
28 The main problem is the large , virtually all black cast — chorus , children and all .
29 Unilever , in addition to gaining a strong position in the large French cheese market , sees potential for the international development of the Boursin brand name .
30 He did this even though the large Maronite majority in Mount Lebanon would be much reduced if the extra territories were taken from Syria .
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