Example sentences of "[adj] to have " in BNC.

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1 I am careful to have my desk angled towards the centre of the room so that I can not see the view from the window across the park towards the lake and the western curve of the South Downs .
2 You 've been extra careful to have no steps inside , but that flight outside could be a menace , particularly in slippery weather . ’
3 He was always careful to have no vestige of drug cargoes on board when entering port and openly admitted that he dealt in drugs , always doing business in the safety of international waters .
4 It is sensible to have typhoid , polio and cholera vaccinations for Africa ( unless you have been immunised within the past 10 years ) .
5 It seemed sensible to have a choice of ways of generating electricity .
6 GCE O and A levels were devised when a large proportion of children left school after the fifth year , and when it was therefore sensible to have a block of examinations taken in that year , to operate partly as a school-leaving certification , partly as a screen , to select those who would stay on .
7 If students are allocated to the ward for eight-week periods , it is sensible to have a rotating cycle of an eight-week programme .
8 That was why it was so sensible to have it done early , before the little lines and pouches became obvious .
9 No matter what your business commitments , it is far more sensible to have one day at home in bed to recover from the worst of the virus than to struggle in to work , extending the recuperation period enormously and giving the virus to everyone else .
10 Gaynor Harris , with a fee income of £300,000 , had reached ‘ that size where it was financially sensible to have the support of a long-established stable client base ’ .
11 At a time when spelling was so much more fluid , it would have seemed sensible to have changed letters for the sake of legibility . )
12 It 's blood that 's being lost at a high rate , it 's dangerous whatever ver vessel it 's coming from , so you will stop it by pad , pressure and elevation , you will attempt to reduce the loss of blood and assist the formation of a clot , once you 've assisted in the formation of a clot , by putting the pad on it , would it be sensible to have a little peak to see how it 's doing ?
13 Although a minimum of five bowlers is needed , it is sensible to have a sixth , and even a seventh , in case of injury , or loss of form or effectiveness .
14 It would be much more sensible to have a body responsible for surveying all transport activity in Scotland because there is no organisation with responsibility for doing that .
15 It would have been sensible to have got in touch , but she had been desperate to get back and every mile of the road from Paris had been singingly bittersweet .
16 On the cost to the European Community budget , I do not believe that it is sensible to have a system that costs more .
17 Since Landsat TM data are supplied on a 256-level scale it would seem sensible to have a memory bank comprising eight data planes , since 2 8 equals 256 .
18 Mr Watson said : ‘ It is the intention of Coun Garvey as long as he retains control of his private prosecution to seek that it be directed to the crown court on the basis that the allegation against him is heading towards the crown court and it would be sensible to have the two alleged criminal acts tried arising out of the same incident tried before the same court . ’
19 This is why I do n't think it sensible to have a separate procedure for it , 'cos it 's so simple .
20 That would make it extremely painful to have gone short of sterling in the past few days .
21 It must have been painful to have a man you liked appropriated by a younger sister , McLeish thought , but this self-contained creature was not going to tell him — or possibly anyone else — how it had felt .
22 Some say this is in fact useful because it keeps people busy at a time when , as we have seen , it is probably too painful to have time on your hands to sit and reflect .
23 It is at least disconcerting and sometimes painful to have the memories flooding back to spoil the enjoyment of success , and what could be more effective in bringing back the memories than the sight of an unknown stranger receiving an honorary degree apparently for no good reason .
24 Claudia winced ; it was doubly painful to have Roman know how much his marriage to Dana would affect her .
25 It would have been a lot easier to have done nothing .
26 It may be easier to have your seats reupholstered by one of the specialist trim companies .
27 Beware of matching too many colours together — if you have chosen a fairly strong coloured mount then it may be easier to have a plain white or cream silk as the background , or you could use a plain mount card in a neutral shade like cream , behind the coloured mount of your choice .
28 You may be the kind of person who finds it easier to have sex than to talk about it , whether with new or regular partners .
29 On the other hand , even those who listened with loathing or contempt found it easier to have a real man with whom the sneering drawl could at last be identified .
30 This means that movements can be exactly repeated for matte purposes — in this case , camera movements , since it is easier to have the models stand still and move the camera on special tracks to create apparent movements .
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