Example sentences of "[adj] his " in BNC.

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1 Many of the townsfolk could not understand them and Ranulf , particularly , found it difficult to cope with the broad flow of Scottish his questions provoked .
2 In that year , the college moved away from Mercersburg , Nevin retired , and Schaff later embarked on an outstanding career as a Church historian at Union Seminary , New York , where he published in 1876 his great History of the Creeds of Christendom .
3 And food poisoning scare … landlord claims its ruined his business
4 On this his wedding day he seemed strangely at peace .
5 Gooch was the leading run-scorer in first-class cricket for the 1980s , with over 21,000 at 49 , and in view of this his Test record -4,724 runs at just under 37 from 73 Tests before the tour began — is something of a disappointment , and illustrates clearly the difference it makes to a player to belong to a successful side .
6 For one brief moment he paused to reflect on the finality of this his last visit which closed a thirty year chapter of his life ; then with a wry smile he descended the impressive stairway .
7 Was this his cue to make a strategic retreat , or might there be another way in ?
8 Add to this his new duties at the Berlin Staatsoper and you can see why he is , without question , one of the most powerful musical figures today .
9 Doctor Bailey was then a young man in his twenties , newly qualified and recently married and settled in this his first practice .
10 As Percivall noted in 1843 ‘ One of the Professor 's projects was crowned with signal success ; and for this his name must be handed to posterity with no ordinary eclat — I mean his introduction of Ventilation into stables and other places used as the habitations of horses and cattle .
11 After all the moving I think he wants to make this his last club . ’
12 In this his second publication of poetry , or as he calls it ‘ making the bastards suffer ’ , Bitumen has produced a well rounded collection of spite , venom and malicious slander .
13 Added to this his young son is kidnapped by some urban skinheads intent on overthrowing the State , and the angry young boy inside his Dad erupts to wreak revenge , mayhem and generally unbelievable havoc .
14 What Arrhenius did not know was that there is a large amount of X-radiation washing about in space , and to this his hypothetical spores would certainly have been vulnerable .
15 After twenty-three years of this his eyesight is nearly spoiled .
16 At this his lower jaw fell slightly and his head came forward and he said , ‘ You were what ? ’
17 Is this his way of keeping the masses down by spiritualising their lot ?
18 Promoter Barry Hearn told me : ‘ He must have created some kind of record already with this his ninth world title fight in under two years .
19 Ward , now 34 , has no intention of making this his last season .
20 It was , she thought , an almost indecently incongruous remark with which to begin a visit of condolence ; or was this his way of confronting her grief and stoicism by taking refuge on professional ground , the only one on which he felt confident and could speak with authority ?
21 Why make this his only visiting-place in Moscow ?
22 This his number-one quality . ’
23 One month later Glassford was reported to be completing the work of preparing nominal votes , and in this his lawyer , who lacked experience in such matters , was being helped by the agent of Lord Dundas , who clearly considered him still an ally , but on August 6th , Glassford removed such illusions by making it quite plain that he meant what he had said about his price for support , and denied that he was in any way pledged to Lord Dundas :
24 He was a forthright , critical man whose tongue could be both sharp and blunt , yet despite this his respect for the person rebuked gave a relationship authority and security whatever the situation .
25 In this his inventive energy makes Welch 's more delicate line appear fussy and twee .
26 Was this his idea of conquering fate ?
27 Although this his been the opposite of what was generally intended , there seems to be little sign of any reappraisal of rural planning controls which might result in a reversal of current trends .
28 At this his wife began to shout , saying : " A likely story indeed !
29 Was this his way of asking her to take over Lotta 's place in his life ?
30 Was this his way of cutting her down to size ?
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