Example sentences of "[adj] try " in BNC.

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1 It would be naive and vain to try to emulate Pope John , who was unique and unrepeatable .
2 A MAN turned up for Old Bailey jury service yesterday — and found he was due to try his 20-year-old son for burglary .
3 We were due to try out the show at Farnham , a 400-seater theatre , less than an hour from London .
4 Each tried desperately to grip the other , but it was impossible , and they were forced to lay perfectly still with their genitals interlocked until she was conscious of his emission shooting inside her oil-drenched love passage .
5 Ten years younger than his wife , he was the youngest son of the Revd George Fyler Townesend and grandson of the Revd George Townsend [ sic ] [ q.v. ] , a redoubtable cleric who had travelled to Italy in 1850 to try to convert the pope .
6 It is clearly absurd to try to restrict the teaching of measurement to mathematics , and the teaching of good , clear writing to English .
7 And with ‘ perfumed strips ’ now impregnated into the pages of so many magazines , it 's possible to try new scents for a single day without venturing further than your friendly newsagent .
8 On the train , however , it was possible to try to catch up on what there was to know about Christabel LaMotte .
9 Once a mutation that causes an abnormality is observed , it becomes possible to try and identify and isolate the gene .
10 ‘ I congratulate the deceased 's son who acted with commendable promptness and courage and did everything possible to try to save his father 's life . ’
11 So you try to leave the songs a little bit open , or you change the set list and give yourself something fresh and new for the evening — anything that 's possible to try to avoid getting bored !
12 At one extreme , it is possible to try to commit everything on the tape to paper .
13 Just as it was possible to try the major war criminals after 1945 on the basis of generally accepted principles ( to which the Hague and Geneva codes contributed ) , so the 1977 Protocols must be taken as the clearest formulation of the laws presently applicable to armed conflict , including the use of nuclear weapons .
14 In this situation , it is possible to try to group the postholes with similar characteristics , such as depth , diameter , and so on , and then to see if patterns of similar postholes reveal likely structures , such as circular or rectangular buildings .
15 I do n't think it 's possible to try and keep it exactly as it used to be , nor do I think you 'd want to .
16 Where we have the , the erm , responsibility for a formal consultation , er , then we need to set about that process as soon as possible to try and meet our deadline , Mr Chairman .
17 Edward I told Gaston VII of Béarn in December 1282 that ‘ we believe that you do not abound in money ’ , and the depredations and seizures of other people 's property carried out by the impecunious Gaston and his allies between 1270 and his death in 1290 tried Edward 's patience sorely .
18 people were simply too lazy to try and remember .
19 The problem was , he was too lazy to try and stop being lazy ,
20 Annette was studying English at school but was too shy to try using it .
21 It is much simpler , cheaper and healthier to try and eat a high-fibre diet in the first place .
22 If you do want to portray an older figure , it would be preferable to try Hermione in The Winter 's Tale — she is a more fantastical character , without the added complications of historical authenticity , and so allows for greater flexibility of characterisation .
23 ‘ It 's quite normal to try to discover who has written the — valentine .
24 Accordingly it became normal to try to survey erosion terraces and their associated features in the field and this type of investigation illustrates well the desirability of fitting the punishment to the crime , or more prosaically reaching a compromise between accuracy and amount of data .
25 But Elkington convinced Norman to try his guru ( is there any player out there without a swing nanny ? ) ,
26 Hopeless to try and impress you with my slender collection of classical music .
27 Females are just as colourful as males , and it is hopeless to try to sex this fish on the basis of colour
28 The world is so full of a number of things that it would be hopeless to try to study every kind of animal or plant .
29 I doubted if she could be more than fifty yards away , but I was n't going to risk missing her — once carried past her , it would be pretty well hopeless to try to find her .
30 Sheila Scott , a state-registered nurse from Hendon , said the Government was right to try to make the NHS more cost-conscious .
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