Example sentences of "[adj] look " in BNC.

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1 If a first championship since 1971 looks out of reach , they should be able to challenge strongly in the one-day competitions .
2 Oulton 's paintings may serve as a reminder that each looks out from different eyes with one 's own conception of what is real , thus the artist leads us to question the truth of our own vision .
3 Isolated , that looks like straightforward double focus : the first-person narrator inside the chronicle box , unaware of his provincial limitations ; and Dostoevsky outside it .
4 I look for one starting with a ‘ B ’ cos I know what that looks like .
5 That looks pretty good — I du n no if it 's steak and kidney or chicken , but either way would suit me fine .
6 That looks a pretty good job , sweeping the floor , though I 'd rather have a go on the sweeping machine .
7 While Mr Bouterse stays in charge , that looks unlikely .
8 That looks like Julius Caesar again .
9 That looks like Otley standing behind the teacakes .
10 That looks like Jeremiah Scrape , ’ Otley said .
11 Against the rest of the sector and the market , that looks a good deal less attractive than it has in the past .
12 That looks a Stranger to the Beams of Day ;
13 Of course , that looks an impractical kind of position to us in the United States , but what 's always puzzled me is how you English do n't seem to share the view of the French .
14 That looks like the future to me . ’
15 That looks nice , ’ said Bobby .
16 Customer 3 : ' That looks rather complicated .
17 To some , that looks like an act of wilful provocation .
18 That looks familiar , ’ said Masklin .
19 That looks like fun , ’ Anabelle thought to herself .
20 And so it may seem that a child , without having learned the technique of using the word ‘ red ’ , might start by learning ‘ That looks red to me ’ ( 418 , 422 ) .
21 That looks incompatible with gaucherie , and perhaps is , but it represents no more than the incompatibilities that individuals daily enact in their own lives .
22 That looks dotty .
23 That looks a pretty impregnable base for the next advance .
24 That looks pricey , missing both the personal computer and sub-$5,000 price points the company has been talking about , even if it does offer more floating point performance than Intel Corp 's high-end 486DX-50 chip .
25 " That looks a good bank , along the edge of the trees up there , " answered Hazel .
26 Although the news on that looks like it could be improving too .
27 That looks interesting . ‘
28 That looks bad for our pal , Joey .
29 That looks like a young man 's demagogy ( cp .
30 If they would not , that looks an ‘ abuse of process ’ in the ordinary meaning of those words .
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