Example sentences of "[verb] than " in BNC.

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1 The parameter values of the QPO feature are much better constrained than the red-noise part .
2 Since HWIM 's grammar was far less tightly constrained than the finite state grammar used in HARPY , the system hypothesised a considerable number of words at the beginning of an utterance .
3 And I think the point the graph makes very clearly is that the eighty nine based set up here at least in my view , to fit far better to what has been happening than eighty five based set .
4 Accept the fact that some buyers will inevitably respond negatively , but be confident that more will buy than if no close had been used .
5 lone mothers were less likely to work than married mothers 42 per cent compared with 54 per cent ;
6 The evidence suggests that lone fathers are more likely to work than lone mothers ; indeed their working hours are similar to those of fathers in two parent families .
7 Women with younger children are in general less likely to work than those with older children , although about one third of mothers with a child under three do work .
8 Lone mothers are less likely to work than married mothers .
9 Just as some burrow systems are easier to work than others , some contain more rabbits than others .
10 Relaxation classes , acupuncture and hypnosis are other ways of emulating the nicotine high ; statistically , they are less likely to work than the real thing .
11 But technology and global competition will eventually put more people to work than it makes redundant
12 Evidently , there is more to our belief that the flipping caused the wipers to start to work than has so far been specified .
13 Surely no civil servant had more unique or peaceful surroundings in which to work than we did on this day .
14 In some ways people in London ( flower of cities all , as a Scots poet put it long ago ) , both men and women , have more freedom to live as they want than they have in most other cities .
15 Dulles , too , seemed more impressed than Eisenhower by the British arguments , and did not always hide his anti-Nasser bias .
16 Of the drought he had experienced on his last visit , Gould wrote that , ’ It is easier for the imagination to conceive than the pen to depict the horrors of so dreadful a visitation . ’
17 Are some spouses more likely to stray than others ?
18 The collapse of the Warsaw Pact has produced a new challenge which could be less costly to meet than the old one , but only if the right choices are made now .
19 The eyes and the fins of the dolphins are also much more clearly and elaborately depicted than in the former .
20 Boldly patterned and strongly coloured rugs need more space than those with more delicate compositions and pastel shades .
21 If stowed in a dry place , where there was no danger from rats , they would grow ‘ though they be two , three or four months on their passage and will be less liable to suffer than if planted in earth , because the sailors generally kill these plants by overwatering them . ’
22 Not too drastic a sentence , one might think , as peasants were hanged for stealing a loaf of bread , but as further penance , Vachel was forced to change his family motto to ‘ T is better to suffer than to revenge ’ .
23 This precautionary demand for money will also be related to money incomes since : ( a ) the higher your regular income then normally the more expensive are the items you own , e.g. the Rolls-Royce is usually more expensive to repair than the Mini ; ( b ) if money incomes rise due to inflation then the same items cost more to replace or repair .
24 Anthony Scrivener referred to the Bill as unique in jurisprudence because a defendant can be guilty of the aggravated offence even though he does no other act than commit the basic offence , and the event which makes the crime aggravated is outside his or her control .
25 The United States found the implications of these new political realities harder to accept than the rest of the international community , which had almost unanimously welcomed the PLO 's clarified accommodationism .
26 Germs in the body were easier to accept than God 's punishment .
27 ‘ I only know that there is more that I do not know than that I know , , I answered .
28 It was pointed out that candidates obtaining low marks in public examinations were demonstrating more of what they did not know than what they did know .
29 Science clambered out of the 19th century more respected than anything else around .
30 We might also add that critics whose judgement is no less to be respected than Olivier Opdebeeck 's are able to discern a contrasting ‘ personality ’ in different performances of the same piece by different English choirs , even when a high percentage of the singers is the same in each case .
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