Example sentences of "[verb] rather " in BNC.

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1 ( My dad never touched the pig , though I was sure this was conditioning rather than religious scruple , just as I would n't eat horse 's scrotum .
2 BEAUTIFUL , flexible sounds , delicately turned phrases , and the sort of energy which skips rather than strides — the King 's Consort at the Queen 's Hall reminded us that civilisation is not entirely destroyed .
3 The PROFITBOSS pro-acts his way to profit rather than reacting to potential loss .
4 It aims to elaborate and refine rather than overturn ; it is evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
5 By comparison , on Gibson 's Flying V guitar , the bridge pickup has to sit rather high because of the effect the tune-o-matic bridge has in raising the height of the strings above the body , which I 've always thought looked and felt a little clumsy .
6 The reason I went into physics and what I try to inculcate is that the ideas themselves are interesting and that seems to me to be the main justification for it , so that when people try and justify scientific research by saying it 's good for the economy , the country and so on , or who knows what applications are going to come of it , I 'm inclined to sit rather quietly when that 's said because I 'm not convinced that some of the research that is done nowadays can have any practical application at all in that direct sense .
7 Dependence on each of these drugs was also recognized rather slowly and perhaps reluctantly .
8 Lord 's connection with his ground ceased rather abruptly in 1825 .
9 With so many commitments it is understandable that he ceased rather early in his career to show his work in public exhibitions , but he still found time to pursue other interests .
10 The problem was that the premises of his own theory required the answer to this question to remain always in abeyance , while his text enacts rather than resolves the equivocality of the choice which it sets up .
11 So Sullivan recommended rather that the Shah enter the States through an obscure air force base in either Maine or South Caroline , and best of all at night , .
12 The weather , the rest of today 's likely to remain rather cloudy with a chance of more rain at any time .
13 The weather , the rest of today is likely to remain rather cloudy with a chance of more rain at any time .
14 The weather , the rest of today is likely to remain rather cloudy with a chance of more rain at any time .
15 The weather , the rest of today is likely to remain rather cloudy with a chance of more rain at any time .
16 And , unfortunately , the situation is likely to remain rather explosive and uncertain until the full Moon in Libra on 10 April brings to light all the information you require to force a showdown .
17 We expect the underlying pricing structure to remain rather similar when the electricity industry is privatized , but closely regulated , in the early 1990s . )
18 For all its fine engineering and good design , the Audi 90 20v quattro offers rather less than meets the eye .
19 Fearon , his swarthy face as white as a ghost beneath the tan , removed his hard hat slowly , the last to do so , and with an angry look at Green as if he felt the financier had somehow insulted rather than honoured the lifeless form sprawled on the flagstones .
20 But if you can not afford to leave , might it not be better to put up with the treatment that you have received rather than becoming unemployed ?
21 The same acute musical intelligence is brought to bear on the rest of the performance : the second movement is a ‘ Dumka ’ which has often received rather heavy-handed treatment in the past .
22 Indeed , Falkenhayn never attempted to break through the enemy lines — so far the sole tactic attempted by both sides — but planned rather to bleed France white by attacking that which the French nation would not tolerate being taken .
23 Wallowing our way into a sheltered corner of the bay , we rode rather inelegantly in on the surf .
24 Fears revolved more around the fact that potential conflict situations were being compounded rather than being created by conglomerates , and that these conflicts would be increasingly and more easily abused .
25 ‘ Was there nothing but this Mrs Browne 's word to identify the dead girl ? ’ he asked rather grimly .
26 Gay stayed with her , while Breeze ran into the inn and , with lively recollections of her last visit , asked rather nervously to see the proprietor .
27 Two tall young men in finely cut gallibayas and white scarves asked rather formally if they might walk with us , then lapsed into shy silence .
28 But he knew from experience it was often best with Blanche simply to answer a question she asked rather than seek to question why she posed it .
29 ‘ Then how am I going to get to these castles ? ’ she asked rather crossly .
30 ‘ You read poetry ? ’ she asked rather formally .
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