Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 She thought that as she knew so well what her therapist would say , it was indeed a waste of money to continue seeing her .
2 You will , of course , need to continue seeing doctors for treatment .
3 Differences will also arise depending on whether the figures refer to England and Wales , Great Britain ( including Scotland ) or the United Kingdom ( including Northern Ireland ) .
4 This book is about learning to enjoy eating without feeling guilty , and getting slim and healthy in the process .
5 This company subsequently made and sold pultruding machines to many other plastics specialists , both in the UK and overseas .
6 Three particular issues were addressed : the right , under certain circumstances , to " decompile " an existing computer program a right to take necessary back-up copies a right to copy and adapt including for error correction .
7 Although visual system physiologists treat the monkey as the model system of their choice for studying the visual cortex , a surprising amount of useful data has been gathered using cats as subjects , despite the known anatomical differences between cats and monkeys .
8 Data was gathered using variety of observational techniques which are described in more detail in the section 12 .
9 Consequently , nuclear power was excluded from the government 's privatization plans and instead a state-owned company , Nuclear Electric , was set up to run the existing nuclear power stations ( eight Magnox , five AGR , and the PWR under construction at Sizewell ) and to continue generating around 20 per cent of electricity in England and Wales ( Scotland has a separate company ) .
10 The beatitudes of Jesus show the way in which we can experience transforming happiness in our own lives .
11 The following comments were made : ‘ The most significant conclusion is that there is a great interest in online searching by both scientists and engineers ’ ; ‘ The study participants seemed to like using IIDA and online searching , which tends to support one of our hypotheses that end-users will like the idea of doing their own simple searches ’ .
12 I felt — I could not be more certain than that — that when I had treated polio cases on previous occasions I had actually sensed wasting muscles making slight quivers , contracting with the pain of a spasm ; and it was these contractions of muscles which , following normal treatment , so often caused shortening of the leg when the muscles withered .
13 Her face registered gathering anger and her tone a blistering contempt .
14 7 It 's terrific to see her without the bars between us. 8 She sits eating the treat food at the opening to the door and looking at me. 9 How does she know to look into my eyes and not at the huge finger next to her .
15 Furthermore even in a fused profession , the barristers in chambers in the Inns of Court and elsewhere would undoubtedly enter into partnership as specialist trial advocates and do agency work for other solicitors , whose own staff were unable to act as advocates in every case or where the complexity of the case justified bringing in a specialist advocate .
16 Finally , it is felt that bolts should be located to ensure minimum visual impact and should be placed using current best practices .
17 That is indeed what I had intended suggesting to you , and it disposes of the immediate problem . ’
18 I mean using rave music cos it 's got a beat in n it , it 's got a lot of beat in it .
19 But he admitted allowing under age sex and the smoking of cannabis in his home and was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment on each charge to run concurrently .
20 Appearing with her before Wirral magistrates was Craig Blackwell , 23 , of the same address , who admitted allowing fraudulent use of the licence .
21 Andrew Watson , 25 , also of RAF Catterick , was fined £200 with £20 costs after he admitted allowing Young to use his car without insurance .
22 Her latest pester-the-public project involves hanging outside a shoe repair shop and testing people 's trust by asking to take a copy of their house key .
23 What is the smallest amount she can not make using these coins ?
24 Following government policy on market testing , and so as to ensure that the MOD operates within the agreed financial and manpower budgets , some catering facilities on RAF units have been transferred to contract catering operations .
25 Main users of AlphaWindows terminals are expected to be the mid-ranking clerical and administration staff of organisations who have several tasks they need to perform using different applications .
26 The difficulty factor here is knowing that the operation to perform using the calculator is division .
27 Oh he was sniffing sniffing
28 Owen could think of lots of people he would prefer to see handling this particular case .
29 Posh Porky knew exactly when and where she was born and never stopped reminding us all that she was nearly a year younger than anyone else in the class .
30 While he was away she never stopped reminding us at the top of her voice that she was n't a five by two .
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