Example sentences of "[noun] water " in BNC.

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1 Maggie placed a jug of spring water on the table .
2 Try Daniel Field Spring Water Frequent Wash Shampoo , £2.40 for 250ml .
5 Even now advertising copy declares , ‘ The spring water itself was never at issue .
6 Round and round went the rich , creamy milk , as the cool spring water flowed past , down through the three sloping troughs and away out of the yard .
7 Sir , I wonder if any of your readers has found a problem with a private spring water supply that is too acid ?
8 Two witnesses , his sister , Mrs Rosalie Temple , and a friend , Mr James Robson , said that Mr Smith was an old-fashioned farmer living in an old-fashioned world — a house which had n't been altered for decades and which still depended on spring water .
9 The drink , of course , was a choice between herb tea , apple juice or straight spring water .
10 they sparkle with spring water , tears ,
11 Having obtained a supply of Ponderosa spring water , and with a final round of handshaking and kissing of cheeks , ( the local lads were n't so keen on the latter , but the girls did n't mind a bit ) , the Frenchmen finally took their leave .
12 Spring water only is used for drinking and cooking food .
13 I run 45 miles a day , drink Peruvian spring water an' live on a diet of nuts .
14 Ask your hairdresser about the Novena perm by Well and Schwarzkopf 's System E. Alternatively , if you 're within easy reach of London or Barnet , check out the famous Spring Water perm from the organic and mineral hairdresser himself , Daniel Field .
15 ALCOHOL : Two glasses red wine ( 152 ) , 1 litre diet Shloer ( 45 ) , 250ml St Michael Sparkling Spring Water Herbal Fruit Drink ( 85 ) , 2 spirits with low-cal mixers ( 130 )
16 Edwards Aerated Elderflower Spring is made from freshly-picked and cold-pressed elderflowers infused in aerated Kentish spring water .
17 It 's here , it 's called Thirsty Camel and it 's the first spring water for men !
18 From Cosmetics To GO , this pot of purple gel shampoo is made with totally natural ingredients and contains almost 50% real rainwater — and because rainwater is softer than tap or spring water , it leaves your hair feeling light , full of body and static-free .
19 In practice the rockpooler should ensure his arrival about four hours after high spring water , to give him approximately two hours twelve and one half minutes to follow the ebbing tide out before it turns .
20 Chlorine was first used to treat water after the Maidstone epidemic of 1897–8 when hop-pickers contaminated spring water .
21 She put some spring water on my wart one evening and it was gone when I woke the next day . ’
22 " Take a quart of green gooseberries boil them and pulp them thro " a sieve , take the whites of 3 eggs , beat them to a Froth , put it to the Gooseberries and beat it both together till it looks white , then take ½ pound refin 'd sugar , make it into a Syrrup with Spring Water , boyl it to a Candy , [ i.e. to the small thread ] let it be almost cold then put it to the Gooseberries and Eggs and beat all together till t is all froth , which put into Cups or Glasses — Codlings [ green apples ] may be done the same way .
23 A young man can live on love and spring water , n'est-ce pas ?
24 Mud channels carried the precious spring water through the streets to walled gardens and orchards .
25 Spring water .
26 There is Derbyshire spring water from Buxton yes .
27 Spring water in a blast furnace ?
28 Supper was a triumph of the sort Mrs Crump very rarely experienced and she would have been hurt had anyone pointed out that Mr Crump 's fine and very expensive claret which flowed like spring water was something to do with that success .
29 Erm and spring water produced within the regulations of the E C would be pure of any additives .
30 Our product our product is first class Yorkshire spring water obtained from the springs rising from the Pennines bottled in Yorkshire to comply with erm U K national mineral water regulations E C directive .
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