Example sentences of "[noun] both " in BNC.

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1 And the Moors entered Castille , in great power , for there came with them five Kings , and they past above Burgos , and crost the mountains of Oca , and plundered Carrion , and Vilforado , and Saint Domingo de la Calzada , and Logroño , and Najara , and all that land ; and they carried away many captives both male and female , and brood mares , and flocks of all kinds .
2 The amalgamation of the Housing Corporation in Scotland with the Scottish Special Housing Association ( SSHA ) makes Scottish Homes both the nation 's biggest landlord and the prime source of finance for house building and refurbishment .
3 They decided to make piezonuclear fusion their primary aim with detection of gamma rays ( by a sodium iodide detector ) and neutrons both on the menu .
4 The way in which each child adapts to defective vision will be individual , and there are considerations both in the causes of defective sight and the effects of these on the way that children can use their vision .
5 In this book , Leonie Archer looks at the effects of this in the Judaism of antiquity , where blood has a major significance in ritual both in the sacrifices in the Temple and in the shedding of blood in circumcision — the ‘ Covenant ’ between God and his people .
6 He agreed to station Iranian guards both inside and outside the walls of the compound in the future .
7 As the socialists ceased to be politically irrelevant sects and emerged as worker armies , the violence in the air reflected the contest both of the classes and of the Great Powers , set , it seemed , inexorably on the lunatic road to 1914 .
8 The Independent Overseas Branches continue to support the Association both locally and in the UK .
9 In evidence to us , the Finance Houses Association and Consumer Credit Trade Association both said they would like to see more use of credit insurance here ; the Birmingham Money Advice Centre suggested that it should even be compulsory above a certain level of commitment , say £100 .
10 In a class devoted to vaguely-worded comparisons between different world religions , or to ill-structured discussion of social and socio-political problems where no examination is taken , there may be a tendency to frivolity both in the preparation of the lessons and in the behaviour of the pupils .
11 Salim is an Aeneas who makes it to London , where those of his blood are founding a way of life , and he has his Dido both in Yvette and in Metty .
12 This simple , and purely deterministic , spatial version of the Prisoners ' Dilemma , with no memories among players and no strategical elaboration , can generate chaotically changing spatial patterns , in which cooperators and defectors both persist indefinitely ( in fluctuating proportions about predictable long-term averages ) .
13 Bem and Gilligan both hope their methodological revisions will make the discipline more scientifically valid .
14 He is the motor of the whole musical action ; he must guide , hold back , or animate the GENERAL ENSEMBLE ; his task is , by a certain skill in movement which strongly imprints both rhythm and character in every ear , to make it understood where the phrase begins , where it develops , and where it ends … it will be difficult , my friend , to replace that intelligent maître de musique , Rey …
15 Amaret Sila-on was a prominent industrialist , while Virabongsa Ramangura was a non-party economics expert , with a reputation for fiscal conservatism ; he had been economics adviser both to Chatichai and to his predecessor Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda .
16 Of the patients we studied , ages 18–35 , 6 fulfilled these conditions : a ) the probes both worked ; b ) spontaneous seizures with hippocampal onset and secondary generalisation happened during microdialysis ; c ) there was an epileptogenic hippocampus shown by intracranial EEG and subsequent confirmation of mesial temporal sclerosis in tissue removed at operation .
17 However , a second marginal comment in his New Testament both latches on to Crime and Punishment and provokes a backward thought .
18 Two recent reports from UBS Phillips & Drew and Midland Montagu both plump for an early election , largely on economic grounds .
19 The duodenal ulcer patients with H pylori infection resembled the H pylori positive healthy volunteers with respect to their serum gastrin concentrations both basally and at each infusion rate of gastrin releasing peptide .
20 Now that Mr Kinnock is achieving the same effect , ought this not to attract the modest admiration of an opponent whose vision of British politics has , in any case , always seen Republicans and Democrats — capitalist parties both — as the model which a well-ordered , post-Thatcherite country should emulate ?
21 It is very important that a peace-keeping force should not be sent to Yugoslavia until there is a peace to keep , and until it is clear that all the warring parties both invite and allow that peace-keeping force to operate .
22 The answers seem to be that : ( 1 ) an arbitrator may be obliged to follow the litigation practice if he is to avoid an allegation of misconduct , unless the arbitration rules concerned specifically preclude those procedures or the parties both agree they need not be followed ; and that ( 2 ) the position of an expert will depend first on whether the parties have any specific requirements .
23 Similarly , if terms are common in a particular trade , those terms may be held to apply to a contract between parties both familiar with that trade and its custom ( British Crane Hire Corpn Ltd v Ipswich Plant Hire Ltd [ 1975 ] QB 303 ) .
24 THE two main title contenders both had bad results , and opened the door for two more teams to launch championship challenges on Saturday .
25 Either way they were led to find fault both with the traditional tsarist regime and with the spreading market system .
26 Cedar Health claim that Equi-Strath is a natural restorative for horses in training , competition and hunting and an ideal supplement in helping broodmares maintain their condition both prior to conception and throughout the foaling period .
27 The experience gained in the use of this code ( which contained three elements respectively describing overall condition , type of binding , and type of damage ) suggested that it was largely satisfactory , and could , with only minor modifications , be used in subsequent surveys of book condition both within the National Library of Scotland and elsewhere .
28 And for the final soft touches to your skincare programme , Clarins Fragranced Gentle Shower Mousse and Fragranced Gentle Deodorant both bear the unique Eau Dynamisante scent .
29 Alan and Maryon both felt that six weeks would probably be enough and did not think he could manage to continue on this diet for another three weeks .
30 Paul McCartney and Bjorn Borg both know about it .
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