Example sentences of "[noun] there " in BNC.

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1 They are going to a planet celled Malecandra ( which turns out to be Mars ) and , having made a previous recce there , they are under the impression that the inhabitants are fierce and eat men .
2 Moreover the recording itself stands as something of a tribute to his long relationship with another French institution , the Opéra de Lyon , which he has conducted frequently since his début there in the same opera in 1981 .
3 Dawn Run ( twice ) Street Angel and Atha Cliath were all Mullins winners there but he never had much luck in the National .
4 There was another diorama there , in front of the window .
5 Commentators noted that the collapse of communist power in the Soviet Union , following the August coup attempt there [ see pp. 38368-73 ] , had hastened the two countries ' moves towards normalization .
6 He got kicked in the head by his own player Mike Whitlow there but I do n't think he 'll mind because er it all contributed to the goal .
7 ‘ I usually drop her at Cintra 's Bar , she can get a sandwich there and a glass of port . ’
8 The thing is the said to me she said , oh were going out in style and have a drink , had a really nice sandwich there like , it was french loaf about that bit , get nice home cooked lot 's of cheese and onion right , really nice .
9 Can you have a tuna sandwich there love , if you can get hold of one
10 For Paul to exercise a mandate there , he must have had the endorsement of the Roman administration , which indicates that Rome had a vested interest in eradicating Nazareans .
11 Additionally , the junction of Bridge Road and Medway Road , an incline there , and the fact that Bridge Road is only about 150 metres long , means that low gears are engaged and greater noise generated .
12 He indicated that he still hoped that Mozart would be offered the post of organist there and hinted at some of the intrigue surrounding the appointment .
13 Now that they gone independent , we 've got to again look and see what are our roles there .
14 The Crystal Palace tram terminus was on a gradient and it was ruled that if the crew wanted to take their break there , in the busmen 's canteen round the corner on the Parade , they must go one at a time and not leave the car unattended .
15 It could be a break , this is the bone here , supposing there is a break there , pressing down on the brain , that is a head injury , this part here is the bolt by the way and that is a injury to the bolt of the brain , just the top .
16 There was no break there in the skull beneath the skin .
17 A bit of a luck break there off Oldfield takes it to Collimore .
18 And if you want any information on Katie 's very special break there , you can phone for a copy of our fact sheet .
19 We 'll take a break there , in a couple of minutes , the dream may be dented , but Pat Bonner 's still looking for a World Cup place in the States next summer .
20 We 'll take a break there , still to come tonight , Roy Keane on Manchester United 's chances of staying in the European Cup , and in a couple of minutes , we concentrate on the Edinburgh derby .
21 We 'll take a break there , still to come tonight , Roy Keane on Manchester United 's chances of staying in the European Cup , and in a couple of minutes , we concentrate on the Edinburgh derby .
22 We 'll take a break there .
23 And then erm they 'll have a couple of hours or an hour break there probably and then erm
24 When they reached the farmyard there it stood , a great shiny red thing with big wheels at the back and little wheels in front .
25 And to the right of Blaze the green turf lay undisturbed , very slightly irregular , as the whole area was , a reticulation of tiny-leaved plants , minuscule flowers , netted into the grass , a small pit here filled with pine needles , a shallow rut there with a sandy bottom .
26 And he had this huge cat about with the grace of erm Whiskers there with these great big waterproof trousers on and all this mud !
27 Traditionally in our secondary schools there has been an overemphasis on content .
28 In a number of schools there remain underlying — and sometimes still overt — conflicts that were provoked by the Teachers ' Action of 1986–7 .
29 Since the early 80s , when Chatham dockyard — and the Royal Naval cookery school — closed and the Army had spare capacity to offer , all three services have based their catering schools there , operated on an entirely separate basis with the Army as landlord .
30 I think I 'd been Yes a few weeks couple of three weeks perhaps in the slate yard behind there , they used to make slates for schools there .
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