Example sentences of "it be [prep] noting that the " in BNC.

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1 Waiting is a bore , and it is worth noting that the chain continues to rotate after the disc has stopped , so beware fingers .
2 It is worth noting that the property of ‘ gratuity ’ , discussed above in connection with allosteric enzymes , applies also to hormonal and nervous conduction .
3 Specialization of this kind was not , of course , the practice elsewhere in the civilized world ‘ but it is worth noting that the broad curriculum of Europe and America is almost equally under fire ’ .
4 It is worth noting that the collection includes essays that seek to explicate and contextualise Kristeva 's writings , for these will be useful to students attempting to assimilate the subtleties of her work .
5 It is worth noting that the ever-increasing complexity of curriculum in contemporary schooling — and the growing problems of delivery teachers have to face — is now becoming a major international concern , especially in the countries of the Council of Europe .
6 However , it is worth noting that the London Basin is interrupted by a well-known series of uplifts stretching from the Thames Estuary to Windsor which it is difficult to account for without postulating a further line of basement dislocations , possibly Variscan in origin .
7 To start with , it is worth noting that the list is not exhaustive , in spite of its superficial comprehensiveness : the word fideicommitto is not listed .
8 It is worth noting that the increase in the acreage of wet gravel pit and reservoirs available to the species for nesting since 1962 , particularly at Chichester , has not resulted in any significant increase in nesting pairs .
9 We established the same result in Section 9.2 by applying the CS conditions to LP* ( 2 , 0 , 0 ) and it is worth noting that the resulting inequalities typically involve more variables than if ( 9.8 ) is used , but ( 9.8 ) presumes a knowledge of the tableau as opposed to just knowing the BFS .
10 While climbing Britomartis Instead , it is worth noting that the second sentence of the description to pitch one should be deleted if the climber is not to pass the correct line and attempt a new route somewhere further along the wall .
11 It is worth noting that the railway operates between noon and five p.m. daily , weather permitting .
12 It is worth noting that the beneficiaries would not be the members of the developed world : ‘ If we stopped feeding animals on grains , soybeans and fishmeal the amount of food saved would — if distributed to those who need it — be more than enough to end hunger throughout the world ’ ( 1979 : 160 ) .
13 It would be wrong , however , to rely exclusively on the accounts of the teachers to whom we spoke , and it is worth noting that the evaluators ' observations temper this picture of dynamism and progressiveness .
14 It is worth noting that the Compact will not be fulfilling all of its objectives if it does not regularly ask participating companies to contribute to a wide variety of activities in the Compact schools .
15 We will look at the details of the exercise in Chapter 8 ; for the moment it is worth noting that the review centred around an analysis of school subjects in terms of skills , concepts , and attitudes ( expressed in terms of aims and objectives ) , and an analysis of the contribution of subjects to the eight areas of experience .
16 It is worth noting that the seal from Knossos was capped in gold at either end like the one from a Third Dynasty level at Ur .
17 Prison security has become an issue , especially since the troubles in Northern Ireland , and it is worth noting that the 1983 report of the Chief Inspector of Prisons suggested that the lessons of the 38-prisoner-escape from the Maze could be applied to England and Wales .
18 ( It is worth noting that the Monroe Doctrine , which aimed to exclude all European influence from the American continent , consisted of two parts , the first of which was designed to deter Russian expansionism down the northwest US pacific coast .
19 It is worth noting that the Cuban revolution avoided a similar fate by incorporation of the Communists ; the Bolivian experience may well have been in Castro 's mind when he was assessing the means by which he could sustain his own revolution .
20 Perhaps it is worth noting that the old miners make 110 reference to any .
21 Sinan ( Emir Hasan ) , who appears to have served continuously from 959/1552 to Shawwal 964/August 1557 and who had previously been kadi of Aleppo : It is worth noting that the kadiliks in the list are divided into two distinct grades — though if Hezarfen is right , they do not seem to correspond , at least in the way one would expect , to " 300- and 500-akce " kadiliks — and it is no$ impossible that the order as given above represents the order of precedence , with Istanbul at the top and Baghdad at the bottom .
22 This would seem to mark Alcester as something apart from the general category , and it is worth noting that the site lies almost equidistant , as the crow flies , from the major cities of Wroxeter , Leicester , Gloucester and Cirencester .
23 It is worth noting that the householder is responsible for the service pipe as well as for the domestic distribution system .
24 It is worth noting that the Woolf report also drew attention to those management problems , as has the director of the prison service , Mr. Joe Pilling .
25 It is worth noting that the correlation coefficient between realized and forecast returns for this broker was 0.12 which is unexceptional by the standard of other studies .
26 It is worth noting that the total grain storage capacity in Leith Docks was now in excess of 124,000 tons .
27 It is worth noting that the account of this case ( S 1454 ) says nothing about the production of a charter as evidence .
28 It is worth noting that the word " religion " either does not naturally feature in some religions , or is regarded by many religious people with considerable disapproval .
29 By way of background , it is worth noting that the Church of England owns 16,700 churches , of which no less than 8,500 are pre-Reformation , and 12,000 are statutorily listed ( 2,675 in the highest grade ) .
30 It is worth noting that the bulk of the existing forces of production have been built upon fossil fuels , high energy and non-renewable resources and have evolved an infrastructure and internal relationships with a clear economic rationality , despite their ecological unsoundness .
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